Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 08:48 +0000, Ross Gardler wrote:
Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
Since the dispatcher test is still breaking trunk, I have now fixed some of the problems with fo used in the dispatcher plugin.

Further tests unfortunately become impossible because
forrest crashed with the message

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.

If trunk remains broken, can we perhaps take the test involving the whiteboard plugin (dispatcher) out of the standarf build test?
-0 on that, dispatcher is in use - even if it is whiteboard. I'd rather see the dispathcers progress into trunk helped rather than hindered.

If there was active development on Dispatcher I'd be -1, but given that it has been sleepy for a while I think -0 is fairer.

I am -1 on that (as can be seen on some commits last night ;)).

es,  replied before I noticed your commits. I'm happy to support your -1.
