On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 18:48 +1100, David Crossley wrote:
> However, recently i notice that people are not being
> answered on the dev list. For example both Tim and Thorsten
> have issues that need assistance.

I did not found time to answer this mail till now.
Thank you David for your good intention. 

Actually only some quite specific mails from me have not found 
any answers but I understand this. 

I hope that people will give me support (as they always did) when 
I shortly will merge back the dispatcher rewrite and volunteer to 
get a long overdue forrest 0.9 release out.

I would love to help to port forrest to cocoon 2.2 again since it solves
some common integration problems quite nicely. However due to time constrains
I cannot take the lead on this but I have ported some forrest components 
to cocoon 2.2 blocks a while ago and it is not hard to port the rest. 
It only takes up lots of time for a single person to move the whole code 
to blocks. 

> Remember that anyone who is subscribed to this
> dev mail list should assist. Not just ASF committers.

That is so true.

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
Open Source <consulting, training and solutions>