Gavin wrote:
> Thorsten Scherler
> >
> > I hope that people will give me support (as they always did) when
> > I shortly will merge back the dispatcher rewrite and volunteer to
> > get a long overdue forrest 0.9 release out.
> That would be good. I'm afraid I have not looked at your branch. Of course I 
> will when it gets into trunk as that???s what I tend to work on. I will also 
> try to test the branch out on Windows before the merger.
> When are you planning on doing this ?

Is there some overview of what is involved in merging
the disptacher? What i wonder about is that our current
demos on the zone use the "dispatcher" in
and i don't understand how that relates to
and then what the difference is with the new branch.

Is this also about making dispatcher the default instead of skins?
If so, there would need to be a large docs effort.
Release would be easier if we left that phase until later.

> I have only ever know David to perform a release, I would have thought he 
> would need to be around for a release whether being RM or not, at least until 
> someone else has done it.

No, i don't need to be. Hopefully i have left sufficient notes
after last time. See the doc [1] below and see the mail archives
leading up to the last release.

Before me it was Jeff. Thankfully when i first did it there
were some basic notes from him. I worked out how to do it by
looking at other project's releases, e.g. Cocoon-2.1, HTTP Server,
and the great notes from Stefan and others.

Our Forrest notes have evolved. I needed to refer to them for every
release and refine them every time. Ferdinand helped to expand
the documentation.

Each time we have managed to streamline the process a little more.

Whoever takes on the Release Manager task, beware.
Every project's release notes advise their RM to allocate
a lot of time.

> In fact, I'd go as far to say we need many people around for a release, the 
> lists are quiet currently, all the main contributors of the past releases are 
> very busy these days.
> In other words, I'm not sure who else will be around if a release were to 
> happen soon.

Doing such co-ordination is one of the early tasks for the RM.
