On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 12:32 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
> No.

I disagree. Please see the discussion on private@incubator for more
context. I'd be happy to see you reopen the question on general@incubator
if you feel strongly about having a truly public discussion.

> Votes to admit (or expunge) the roster should never be by lazy consensus.
> I think the IPMC (or Board, in the post-incubation TLP world) would express
> serious reservations.  Please vote, folks, we need 3 +1's on such issues,
> but it should reflect a clear plurality.

This one is a special case of "amending" an existing proposal.

> Roman, please address my concern for putting forward the vote for all 6(?)
> for both commit + PPMC.  It doesn't matter that we made this policy, we
> must be explicit in nominations/votes, for when or if the two become
> distinct.

See above.


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