
This is exactly what we have been aiming for :-)

To a large extent you can already do this today. You can mix-and-match the different modules simply by providing a custom configuration plan.

As a concrete example, this is what we did at Gluecode to build the JOE SE product which aimed at filling your <VOID>: Servlet + JSP + JMS + services such as deployment, transactions and database access.

Geronimo is not a J2EE monolith - it is a collection of system services and a kernel to bind them together. What we certify is a J2EE monolith because it has to pass *ALL* the CTS tests but that is just one assembled form.


Stefan Arentz wrote:
On May 27, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

Stefan brings up the question of whether we want to release sub- modules of Geronimo separately. I think this is a good idea and would propose the following restructure of the tree to move in this direction.

Let me just explain my motivation a bit, maybe that will also help for the plan.

In my original email I said something about not needing all the J2EE stuff. I exaggerated a bit of course, but most of the applications that I have been writing in the last couple of years are done mostly with a subset of the whole J2EE umbrella. Some apps were just some network service wrapped in (JMX) beans, a service exposed with Spring (Burlap, XML-RPC) other apps were simply a web app backed by a shared Spring context. I've never needed all the stuff in J2EE.

So far I've always done this on JBoss. Their MBean stuff works ok, but I wish it was easier to 'downsize' jboss to just a container with the stuff I need. That never really seemed to be their goal however. The complexity of their configuration files shows that.

So, what I would really like to see wrt Geronimo is an absolute minimal server with add-on packages for things like a web container, jms provider, etc. You want to host a web app? Throw in the Tomcat or Jetty personality. Need JMS too, add ActiveMQ. Persistence? Simply add a hibernate deployer. Mix and match so that it does what your app needs.

This is where Geronimo could shine and even take away a large chunk of Tomcat; most people just want to deploy their web app and optionally add some more services without having to understand a full J2EE stack. Geronimo can fill that void extremely well I think. (Simple Web Container .. <VOID> .. J2EE Monolith)

Ok so just complaining doesn't work well for this project, so what I really would like to do is start figuring out how I can give Geronimo 'personalities' for popular combinations of technology. Like,

 - Geronimo Kernel + Tomcat + JSTL2.0 + Spring + Hibernate
 - Geronimo Kernel + Web Services
 - Geronimo Kernel + JMX Enabled custom network service

and then do some writing about it on the wiki. Make recipes for people, or even complete packages that are downloadable.

I really think this is how Geronimo can also get acceptance with a much larger crowd.


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