On May 29, 2005, at 2:08 AM, Bruce Snyder wrote:

On 5/28/05, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Each subproject has an inherent amount of overhead.  For example,
each subproject needs a separate project management committee, each
one will need to produce releases (not an easy task) and so on.  I
would sat that "there is a demonstrated desire" when we have enough
people showing up to handle the overhead and work on the code.  I
personally would say one person is not enough, and seven is more then

I don't think that every subproject needs it's own PMC unless it's a
subproject wholly separate from the existing Geronimo modules. For
example, if the Spring kernel were brought in as a subproject, it
would need its own PMC, but I don't think splitting up the existing
modules and forming individual PMCs is necessary.

Right. I don't think we need sub-projects or want sub-projects. I think we just need to modularize better and be able to have a stable J2EE assembly tree to help the push towards a certified 1.0 Geronimo release.


perl -e 'print unpack("u30","D0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F)R=6-E+G-N>61E<D\! G;6%I;\"YC;VT*"

The Castor Project

Apache Geronimo

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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