Jacek Laskowski wrote:
Jeff Genender wrote:

Well, no exactly if you supply geronimo-web.xml in both. I'm pretty sure it won't make any harm to anyone who would like to use them, does it?

Yes. If someone uses them outside of Geronimo, this causes a problem. i.e. If someone writes their own embedded Tomcat in some other product, they will have this as an issue. The "fix" for this is to include a Tomcat context.xml with the wars that sets up the proper context-root.

Hey Jeff,

Oh, come on. We won't satisfy all wishes and won't likely know them all in advance. I understand it as a Maven naming convention, actually. If someone bothers to 'write their own embedded Tomcat in some other product', (s)he will have more troubles along the way and I would not call it an issue.

I hear you...but its their ball and their repo, and therefore they control the game, and they also get the JIRA issues, not us. We can open a JIRA and ask them to please include a context.xml with their examples, which would fix this all around. But at the end of the day, its their decision.

We can place their jars in our repo, so we own those versions (i.e. servlet-examples-geroniomo-1.0.war) and then they clearly won't affect other Tomcat users.

It sounds as a possible solution and I wouldn't be such a strong proponent of the earlier proposal if others find it workable.

Under this scenario, its our ball and our repo...and it affects nobody else. I would agree that we could get them to put a context.xml in the examples we don't need to go there.

But...read further...

Or...just add the source to our repo and roll our own. These are just examples, so I don't see any problem with this.

-1. We've got lots of sources to maintain (and more are on their way) and sync'ing these samples with Tomcat's repo solely to add two simple plans would introduce an unnecessary burden to us.

Well keep this in mind...and we need to really consider this. Because of the very nature that they are examples...people will want to see the code. I would think that if we are including the Tomcat examples, we should include the code in some form. I think its not very user/developer friendly to include example wars, then tell people if they want to see them, please go to the Tomcat site and download their tar ball.



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