Whoohooo! I had lots of work the past week and couldn't spend much time on it. Thanks for taking it over during that time (but please attach your work to the JIRA issue as soon as possible).

To make best use of our time, maybe we should let me have a try at the application specific things?

What do you mean? Let's talk it over.

I haven't yet succeeden in having the maven script unpack a new server automatically, and the startup procedure I'm managed to get working is very clumsy. Maybe you could look into these issues some time? If you want it, I could distribute the diff on my sandbox/adventurebuilder directory now - if you don't need it, I'll wait until the application is working.

What I meant was that it would be very nice, if you could spare the time to fix the unpack server/distribute application issues.

I guess from your questions regarding the maven deploy plugin that you might already be onto this.

I still haven't gotten nearer resolving the issue I was referring to in my mail of 2005-12-15 (the findByPrimaryKey method which doesn't see an entity created in the same transaction ctx). My mail didn't foster any responses; would it be possible for you to ask someone who's in the know about OpenEJB whether this looks like a bug or a deployment issue?

If you could publish your changes by attaching a patch to the JIRA issue, it would be the best way to go on (and hopefully invite others to contribute). I'll be committing my changes later today.

My status is now that I've finally gotten the various web services and JMS queues wired up so well that I can submit and order and see it reach "Completed State". I have an issue with the activity supplier sending quite a lot of duplicate invoices. I'll look into that today, but I guess it would make sense for me to create another patch.

Should I make another patch against revision 357942, or should I wait for you to commit your work and the patches I uploaded yesterday, and then make the patch against those files?


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