My understanding, reinforced by looking at geronimo's maven.xml, is that the itests are not run as part of the current build, and my recollection is that they are currently broken. I personally think they need to be split up into smaller bits in some way that don't take forever to run.

In any case, I wonder what you are doing to get them to run as part of the build

maven -o new

If you really want to investigate what is broken about the itests, I suggest building the geronimo deployment plugin by itself first:

cd plugins/geronimo-deployment-plugin;maven  -o plugin:install
then running the itests by themselves

cd ../../openejb/itest;maven -o

Hope this helps
david jencks

On Dec 28, 2005, at 4:48 PM, Ken Perl wrote:

I am using the code from, the OpenEJB code
source is from maven m:co

On 12/29/05, Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What level of Geronimo and OpenEJB code are you using? There should be
no SNAPSHOT jars being used for the latest Geronimo 1.0 source from -
and for OpenEJB 2.0 from -
cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scm/openejb co - r v2_0


Ken Perl wrote:
| Executing default OpenEJB :: Integration Tests
| Memory: 26M/43M
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
section of project.xml instead of maven.xml
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
section of project.xml instead of maven.xml


Attempting to download openejb-builder-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download geronimo-deployment-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Attempting to download
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
section of project.xml instead of maven.xml
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
section of project.xml instead of maven.xml

<depend closure="false" srcdir="1.4" dump="false"
destdir="/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/ classes"></depend>
   [echo] Compiling to




    [echo] No test source files to compile.

    [echo] NOTICE: Skipping tests; they seem to have passed already
    [echo] No tests to run.
Running post goal: test:test

    [echo] Building ejb openejb-itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT
    [jar] Building jar:
/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/openejb- itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

    [echo] Installing...
Uploading to openejb/ejbs/openejb-itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:
.................... (163K)
Uploading to openejb/poms/openejb-itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom:
.................... (9K)
Running post goal: ejb:install

<depend closure="false" srcdir="1.4" dump="false"
destdir="/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/ classes"></depend>
   [echo] Compiling to





    [echo] Preprocessing security-plan.xml
    [delete] Deleting directory
/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/geronimo-1.0- SNAPSHOT
    [unzip] Expanding:
into /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target
    [copy] Copying 4 files to
/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/geronimo-1.0- SNAPSHOT/var
    Preprocessing security/
    Preprocessing security/
    Preprocessing security/
    Preprocessing security/
    Preprocess plans elapse time: 0 sec

    [copy] Copying 2 files to
/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/geronimo-1.0- SNAPSHOT/var/certstores
    [echo] Waiting for server at:
Unrecognized argument: --quiet

Syntax: java -jar bin/server.jar [options]

Available options are:
Suppress the normal startup progress bar. This is typically used when redirecting console output to a file, or starting
             the server from an IDE or other tool.
Reduces the console log level to INFO, resulting in more
             console output than is normally present.
Reduces the console log level to DEBUG, resulting in still
             more console output.

  -override [configId] [configId] ...
             USE WITH CAUTION!  Overrides the configurations in
var/config/config.xml such that only the configurations listed on
             the command line will be started.  Note that many J2EE
features depend on certain configs being started, so you should be very careful what you omit. Any arguments after
             this are assumed to be configuration names.

In addition you may specify a replacement for var/config/config.xml
using by setting the property
This is resolved relative to the geronimo base directory.

File...... /root/.maven/cache/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.4.1/ plugin.jelly
Element... maven:reactor
Line...... 218
Column.... -1
Unable to obtain goal [ejb:install] --
<deploy:waitForStarted> Bad JMX URI
Total time   : 51 minutes 28 seconds

I know if skip the test then the build may success, but I want to know
how to fix the issue by myself, could somebody give me a clue?

perl -e 'print unpack(u,"62V5N\"FME;G\!E<FQ`9VUA:6PN8V]M\"[EMAIL PROTECTED]

perl -e 'print unpack(u,"62V5N\"FME;G\!E<FQ`9VUA:6PN8V]M\"[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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