I expect the itests are still built if you just check out OpenEJB and
not Geronimo.  From the error message, it sounds like it's pulling
down outdated Geronimo binaries during a standalone OpenEJB build.

It would definitely be nice to have an environment to run tests in a
"normal" Geronimo environment (where you could test the deploy tool
and hot deployer, have access to both EJB and Web containers, etc.). 
I guess that would be a good way to run the OpenEJB itests too.


On 12/28/05, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My understanding, reinforced by looking at geronimo's maven.xml, is
> that the itests are not run as part of the current build, and my
> recollection is that they are currently broken.  I personally think
> they need to be split up into smaller bits in some way that don't
> take forever to run.
> In any case, I wonder what you are doing to get them to run as part
> of the build
> maven -o new
> If you really want to investigate what is broken about the itests, I
> suggest building the geronimo deployment plugin by itself first:
> cd plugins/geronimo-deployment-plugin;maven  -o plugin:install
> then running the itests by themselves
> cd ../../openejb/itest;maven -o
> Hope this helps
> david jencks
> On Dec 28, 2005, at 4:48 PM, Ken Perl wrote:
> > I am using the code from
> > https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/trunk, the OpenEJB code
> > source is from maven m:co
> >
> > On 12/29/05, Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> What level of Geronimo and OpenEJB code are you using?  There
> >> should be
> >> no SNAPSHOT jars being used for the latest Geronimo 1.0 source from -
> >>     https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/branches/1.0
> >> and for OpenEJB 2.0 from -
> >>     cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scm/openejb co -
> >> r v2_0
> >> openejb
> >>
> >>
> >> -Donald
> >>
> >>
> >> Ken Perl wrote:
> >>> +----------------------------------------
> >>> | Executing default OpenEJB :: Integration Tests
> >>> | Memory: 26M/43M
> >>> +----------------------------------------
> >>> DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
> >>> section of project.xml instead of maven.xml
> >>> DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
> >>> section of project.xml instead of maven.xml
> >>>
> >>> build:end:
> >>>
> >>> Attempting to download openejb-builder-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
> >>> Attempting to download geronimo-deployment-plugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
> >>> Attempting to download geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip.
> >>> DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
> >>> section of project.xml instead of maven.xml
> >>> DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build>
> >>> section of project.xml instead of maven.xml
> >>> build:start:
> >>> ejb:init:
> >>> java:prepare-filesystem:
> >>>
> >>> java:compile:
> >>> <depend closure="false" srcdir="1.4" dump="false"
> >>> destdir="/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/
> >>> classes"></depend>
> >>>    [echo] Compiling to
> >>> /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/classes
> >>>
> >>> java:jar-resources:
> >>>
> >>> test:prepare-filesystem:
> >>>
> >>> test:test-resources:
> >>>
> >>> test:compile:
> >>>     [echo] No test source files to compile.
> >>>
> >>> test:test:
> >>>     [echo] NOTICE: Skipping tests; they seem to have passed already
> >>>     [echo] No tests to run.
> >>> Running post goal: test:test
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ejb:ejb:
> >>> ejb:ejb-jar-internal:
> >>>     [echo] Building ejb openejb-itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT
> >>>     [jar] Building jar:
> >>> /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/openejb-
> >>> itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ejb:install:
> >>>     [echo] Installing...
> >>> Uploading to openejb/ejbs/openejb-itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:
> >>> .................... (163K)
> >>> Uploading to openejb/poms/openejb-itests-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom:
> >>> .................... (9K)
> >>> Running post goal: ejb:install
> >>> java:prepare-filesystem:
> >>>
> >>> java:compile:
> >>> <depend closure="false" srcdir="1.4" dump="false"
> >>> destdir="/root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/
> >>> classes"></depend>
> >>>    [echo] Compiling to
> >>> /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/classes
> >>>
> >>> java:jar-resources:
> >>>
> >>> itest:prepare-filesystem:
> >>>
> >>> itest:test-resources:
> >>>
> >>> itest:compile:
> >>>
> >>> itest:itest:
> >>> itest:setup:
> >>>     [echo] Preprocessing security-plan.xml
> >>>     [delete] Deleting directory
> >>> /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/geronimo-1.0-
> >>>     [unzip] Expanding:
> >>> /root/.maven/repository/geronimo/distributions/geronimo-1.0-
> >>> SNAPSHOT.zip
> >>> into /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target
> >>>     [copy] Copying 4 files to
> >>> /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/geronimo-1.0-
> >>> SNAPSHOT/var
> >>>     Preprocessing security/public_users.properties
> >>>     Preprocessing security/black_groups.properties
> >>>     Preprocessing security/public_groups.properties
> >>>     Preprocessing security/black_users.properties
> >>>     Preprocess plans elapse time: 0 sec
> >>>
> >>>     [copy] Copying 2 files to
> >>> /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/target/geronimo-1.0-
> >>> SNAPSHOT/var/certstores
> >>>     [echo] Waiting for server at:
> >>> Unrecognized argument: --quiet
> >>>
> >>> Syntax: java -jar bin/server.jar [options]
> >>>
> >>> Available options are:
> >>>   -quiet
> >>>              Suppress the normal startup progress bar.  This is
> >>> typically
> >>>              used when redirecting console output to a file, or
> >>> starting
> >>>              the server from an IDE or other tool.
> >>>   -v
> >>>              Reduces the console log level to INFO, resulting in
> >>> more
> >>>              console output than is normally present.
> >>>   -vv
> >>>              Reduces the console log level to DEBUG, resulting in
> >>> still
> >>>              more console output.
> >>>
> >>>   -override [configId] [configId] ...
> >>>              USE WITH CAUTION!  Overrides the configurations in
> >>>              var/config/config.xml such that only the
> >>> configurations listed on
> >>>              the command line will be started.  Note that many J2EE
> >>>              features depend on certain configs being started, so
> >>> you
> >>>              should be very careful what you omit.  Any arguments
> >>> after
> >>>              this are assumed to be configuration names.
> >>>
> >>> In addition you may specify a replacement for var/config/config.xml
> >>> using by setting the property
> >>> -Dorg.apache.geronimo.config.file=var/config/<my-config.xml>
> >>> This is resolved relative to the geronimo base directory.
> >>>
> >>> ��
> >>> File...... /root/.maven/cache/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.4.1/
> >>> plugin.jelly
> >>> Element... maven:reactor
> >>> Line...... 218
> >>> Column.... -1
> >>> Unable to obtain goal [ejb:install] --
> >>> /root/geronimo1.0/openejb/modules/itests/maven.xml:110:-1:
> >>> <deploy:waitForStarted> Bad JMX URI
> >>> (deployer:geronimo:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi:/JMXConnector)
> >>> Total time   : 51 minutes 28 seconds
> >>>
> >>> I know if skip the test then the build may success, but I want to
> >>> know
> >>> how to fix the issue by myself, could somebody give me a clue?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> perl -e 'print unpack(u,"62V5N\"FME;G\!E<FQ`9VUA:6PN8V]M\"[EMAIL 
> >>> ")'
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > perl -e 'print unpack(u,"62V5N\"FME;G\!E<FQ`9VUA:6PN8V]M\"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ")'

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