    In WebSphere this is the directory organization:
....................applications (EAR/WAR/RAR)
..................................................servers (JVM Configurations)
The applications are deployed by default in $WAS_HOME/installedApps but the administrator can change the directory (this is a cool functionality)
I think that BEA Weblogic has a similar architecture.
In WAS 6 there is a new concept (profile).

Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
Does anyone know how other J2EE servers structure their directories
when they have multiple instances configured?


On Jan 30, 2006, at 5:04 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

> This sounds reasonable to me. I'd prefer to have resolveServer and
> always look for /var under there. If there are multiple config
> store s, we'll have to figure out how the deploy tool will know which
> one to use. Perhaps there should be something indicating whether the
> config store is "writable" at runtime (vs at server construction time)
> and only the server-specific one would be writeable? Or at least, the
> tools would default to writeable ones over not? (Right now they'd
> theoretically deploy to all available config stores, but I think
> there's an outstanding issue that the Deployer GBean doesn't let you
> specify a config store even if you wanted to.)
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> On 1/30/06, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Many people have talked on and off about how to set up multiple
>> servers sharing the same repository and config-store, but we haven't
>> arrived at an agreed on way to do it. We have a prospective customer
>> for this feature (Vincent Massol with Cargo) so I'd like to move
>> beyond thinking about it in my head, discuss it, and have someone
>> implement it. I believe any implementation will be more or less
>> trivial, the hard part is figuring out what to do.
>> I've only thought of ways to extend what we have now, rather than
>> restructure anything or add big new capabilities. If someone sees a
>> better way, please speak up.
>> So, we have a ServerInfo gbean that knows where geronimo is located
>> and can resolve absolute locations for other components. Then we
>> have things like the repository and config store gbeans that
>> typically are "located" outside the var dir and things like the
>> logging framework, local attribute manager, derby, and tomcat, that
>> typically keep stuff in the var directory.
>> All or most of these start with the first configuration loaded so
>> t hey can't have any attributes overridden by config.xml: in fact this
>> file is read by one of the gbeans that we need to "relocate".
>> I've thought of two related solutions. Both of them involve giving
>> ServerInfo knowledge of another path and another resolve method.
>> One would be something like "resolveVar" and would normally resolve
>> to geronimo_home/var. This would involve all the gbeans currently
>> looking inside var having the "var" trimmed off the front of their
>> paths and using the new resolveVar method. In this case we'd have
>> different servers represented as e.g.
>> var1
>> var2
>> var3
>> ...
>> The other would give ServerInfo something like resolveServer which
>> would normally resolve to geronimo_home. The gbeans looking inside
>> var would keep their current paths and just call the new resolve
>> method instead of the old one. In this case we'd have servers like
>> var
>> server1/var
>> server2/var
>> ...
>> In either case I think starting geronimo with a command line argument
>> pointing to the var directory is the only way to specify which server
>> you want to run; the default would presumably be as now "var".
>> Several people have suggested putting an additional config-store into
>> var for "private" use by a particular server. At the moment I think
>> that providing a different config-store class that uses the new
>> resolve method on server info would be the best way to do this.
>> I'm not attached to these ideas but this is as far as my thinking has
>> gone. Please comment.
>> thanks
>> david jencks

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