I'm not sure if you are suggesting it would be possible for two geronimo instances to share a var/config directory - that would not work as each instance would be attempting to do updates of the one config.xml file.

This may also have problems with two instances trying to write log files, journal files of the same name etc.


Paul McMahan wrote:
As a programmer type it seems intuitive to me that the presence of a subdir in an alternate server root overrides the default while its absence makes the server instance inherit the default. But its possible that I am mingling system administration with too much OO. At any rate I agree that having to examine the command line and then the alternate server root directory to figure out which repository directory (or var, or config-store, etc.) is in use could be error-prone for some. An informative message shown at the beginning of startup that shows which directories are mapped into the server instance could help. I can think of a few other ways to address this concern but they all tend to sacrifice flexibility or intuitiveness.

BTW, I'm not suggesting that the subdirs of the alternate server root directory get "weaved" into the subdirs of geronimo_home, as that approach *does* seem too indeterminate to me. Oh, and one more thing I'm wondering is how Sachin's req for running applications from within a dev environment might play into this new feature. Seems that ideally the solution for the var subdir would be consistent with the solution for config-store, repository, and whatever else we decide to put in geronimo_home in the future. Here's the JIRA for that req:

Best wishes,

On 1/30/06, *David Jencks* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I'm not sure I like that, because IIUC it would mean that the main
    repository gbean for instance would be looking at different repos
    depending on both a command line switch and whether a particular
    directory existed.  At the moment I think that is too
    indeterminate.  I would prefer to have each repo gbean point to a
    single well defined location and to add more repositories for

    You might be able to argue me out of this position.

    david jencks

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