Some ideas..

Currently will invoke a script if present ( in the bin directory ). Maybe we could enhance to also invoke a script if present under var for a particular geronimo instance. So the script in geronimo/bin gets invoked first (allowing you to set env vars for all instances), followed by in myinstance/var/bin (allowing you to append or override the env vars that may have been set earlier).

If we have multiple Geronimo instances, then shouldn't each instance need a J2EEServer name that is part of the JSR-77 J2EEManagedObject name? Could this name and maybe the server name be associated with names in the directory structure. How do we envision the J2EEServer name being specified?


Dave Colasurdo wrote:
As far as directory structure, it seems that WebSphere separates the binaries (e.g. jars, scripts) from the instance data. Each instance has it's own copy of configuration data, installed applications, logs and properties. The scripts (e.g. startup/shutdown) are also available in each instance such that the user doesn't need to specify any environmental variables or parameters to indicate "which instance" when executing the scripts.


Dain Sundstrom wrote:
Does anyone know how other J2EE servers structure their directories when they have multiple instances configured?


On Jan 30, 2006, at 5:04 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

This sounds reasonable to me.  I'd prefer to have resolveServer and
always look for /var under there.  If there are multiple config
stores, we'll have to figure out how the deploy tool will know which
one to use.  Perhaps there should be something indicating whether the
config store is "writable" at runtime (vs at server construction time)
and only the server-specific one would be writeable?  Or at least, the
tools would default to writeable ones over not?  (Right now they'd
theoretically deploy to all available config stores, but I think
there's an outstanding issue that the Deployer GBean doesn't let you
specify a config store even if you wanted to.)


On 1/30/06, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Many people have talked on and off about how to set up multiple
servers sharing the same repository and config-store, but we haven't
arrived at an agreed on way to do it.  We have a prospective customer
for this feature (Vincent Massol with Cargo) so I'd like to move
beyond thinking about it in my head, discuss it, and have someone
implement it.  I believe any implementation will be more or less
trivial, the hard part is figuring out what to do.

I've only thought of ways to extend what we have now, rather than
restructure anything or add big new capabilities.  If someone sees a
better way, please speak up.

So, we have a ServerInfo gbean that knows where geronimo is located
and can resolve absolute locations for other components.  Then we
have things like the repository and config store gbeans that
typically are "located" outside the var dir and things like the
logging framework,  local attribute manager, derby, and tomcat, that
typically keep stuff in the var directory.

All or most of these start with the first configuration loaded so
they can't have any attributes overridden by config.xml: in fact this
file is read by one of the gbeans that we need to "relocate".

I've thought of two related solutions.  Both of them involve giving
ServerInfo knowledge of another path and another resolve method.

One would be something like "resolveVar" and would normally resolve
to geronimo_home/var.  This would involve all the gbeans currently
looking inside var having the "var" trimmed off the front of their
paths and using the new resolveVar method.  In this case we'd have
different servers represented as e.g.

The other would give ServerInfo something like resolveServer which
would normally resolve to geronimo_home.  The gbeans looking inside
var would keep their current paths and just call the new resolve
method instead of the old one.  In this case we'd have servers like

In either case I think starting geronimo with a command line argument
pointing to the var directory is the only way to specify which server
you want to run; the default would presumably be as now "var".

Several people have suggested putting an additional config-store into
var for "private" use by a particular server.  At the moment I think
that providing a different config-store class that uses the new
resolve  method on server info would be the best way to do this.

I'm not attached to these ideas but this is as far as my thinking has
gone.  Please comment.

david jencks

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