David,  I'm sure 1.0 users will really appreciate this feature.  One
tweak you may want to consider is printing the updated plan to stdout
instead of saving it in a file in the src plan's directory when a
target path is not specified.  That makes it easier to redirect its
output to text processing utilities like sed, awk, perl, grep, etc and
in my personal experience is the expected behavior for this type of

Also, I think you (or someone) mentioned earlier that it might be
useful to make this utility available from the admin console.  Seems
like one reasonable approach would be to enable the current
application deployment portlet to detect when a backlevel plan is
provided (assuming that's always possible) and invoke your utility to
provide a head start on creating a new plan.  If there's consensus
around that idea then I can help with the UI.


On 5/12/06, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I put the upgrade jar at


It would be very helpful to find out to what extent this works in
real life.

It's supposed to include all the classes it needs (that's why its so


java -jar geronimo-upgrade-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <path to source plan>
[<path to target plan>]

if you leave out the target, you'll get output in the same directory
as the source.

david jencks

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