Very excellent work!

Thanks to you and the guys on infra@ for making this happen.


On May 26, 2006, at 9:17 AM, Hernan Cunico wrote:

Hi All,
the new cofluence wiki is ready to go live! I have reorganized the documentation, migrated it and updated the new confluence installation, the new structure looks like this:

Apache Geronimo v1.0
       Apache Geronimo v1.0 - User's Guide
       Apache Geronimo v1.0 - Developer's Guide

Apache Geronimo v1.1
       Apache Geronimo v1.1 - User's Guide

Apache Geronimo Project Management
       Apache Geronimo Development Process
       Apache Geronimo Development Status

Apache Geronimo SandBox

You can see it LIVE accessing

The documents that are still up-to-date from geronimo should be moved over the new confluence wiki, some of those docs should actually go directly into the web site itself. I will work on these changes unless somebody else volunteers :D

Part of this update includes reorganizing the web site, the old Libray and Documentation thing. The Documentation link will contain the new structure just decribed ( documentation) and the Library link will contain all the available printed and online books, cookbooks, articles, interviews, etc.

So, whoever is working on a Geronimo book, articles, etc. and the info is not listed on the web site, pls send the details over so we can update the site.

You will have to re-register in the new confluence in order to continue contributing with Geronimo's documentation.



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