Having done two releases I have some thoughts on how we are using JIRA. I imagine that there are a number of thoughts on how we can manage JIRA.

Currently we create a release and then pretty much dump most everything into it. What ends up happening is that we end up with more JIRAs than we have time to complete and end up with over a hundred JIRAs than move from version to version. I don't think this solution works because one never knows what's really left in a release to complete before its golden. Our intentions are noble (let's fix all those bad bugs) but of course our time is a limited resource and we can't always get everything done.

I propose (this is not a vote; simply a discussion thread) that new JIRA's are assigned to a release if the person assigning it is going to fix it and they assign it to themselves.

For new issues that are not being worked on they get put into another category like 1.x, wishlist, etc.

I'm not sure how to handle assignment of JIRAs as they generally fall into someone's area of expertise but I think the fact their assigned to someone might scare someone away from looking at it . Thoughts?

Rather than pushing the morass of JIRA's in 1.1 into 1.2 and repeating our previous behaviour I'm using 1.x, wishlist and Verification Required as the dropping point for JIRA's out of 1.1. For those things we can work on in 1.2 they'll get moved there.

This will make releasing a whole lot easier from a goat herding perspective.

I am not an Administrator and don't play one on TV but this elephant has been in our living room too long :)


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