Hernan Cunico wrote:
> I updated the release notes and it is ready for your review

Looks good!  A few comments:

1) Under system requirements, I think it should mention that Geronimo
will run fine on Java 5 out of the box, and offer the caveats that it is
only J2EE-certified on 1.4 and that in particular, you will need to run
under 1.4 if you enable CORBA support.

2) Under "Administration Console Security Configuration", it should
mention that the username/password can be changed within the console
itself.  e.g. "This can be changed through the console (in the "Security
-> Console Realm" section) or by editing <geronimo_home>/var......"

3) Looks like there's a typo in the "Deploying Applications" section.
It says "<geronimo_home>/bin/java -jar....." instead of just "java

4) In that same section, perhaps worth mentioning that you can run the
login command in the deployer tool and not have to enter the password
over and over.  It's kind of a minor detail, but constant retyping of
passwords could ruin the deployment experience for people.

5) Under "Choice of Web container", it sounds a little open-ended to say
"Please download the binary appropriate for your environment."  People
will wonder what it is that makes one or the other appropriate for their
 environment.   Not sure how to say it better, but perhaps indicate that
choosing one at random is fine if you or your company don't already have
a preference?


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