On 8/23/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
On Aug 23, 2006, at 12:56 PM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
> I don't really see why it should be in the 1.1 branch for the
> following reasons:

First off... the plugin is to support G 1.1 

I have to agree with you on this point.

>   * it's a m2 plugin and can not be part of the 1.1 release
> procedure, at least for the
>      reason that it depends on the artifacts being published on a
> m2 repo, which will
>      obviously not be the case when releasing geronimo.

Second, it depends on the G 1.1 artifacts.  Its easy enough to hook
it up to the m1 build.

I don't think it is easy at all.
When you release the 1.1.x server, you will publish artifacts on the m1 repo.
You will have to wait until the release is official, published and synced to ibilbio
on the m2 repo to be able to build the plugin.   Or you keep the plugin
dependant on 1.1 artifacts (and not 1.1.x) and in this case, there is no value
to release it at the same time.

>   * it will never be part of the distributions

Neither does the 1.2 plugins, but they are released to the same
artifact repository.  And infact one of the distributions does not
contain any of the ejb stuff (minimal), so does that mean that all of
the ejb related modules should live outside of the 1.2 tree?  Um...
no :-P

>   * it would be very nice, if users could use it asap and not wait
> until 1.1.x
>      to be able to build Geronimo plugins in an easier way than
> building them
>      manually

What tree they go into has little or nothing to do with how users
will be able to access it before an official release.

> Any locations would be fine, but i really do not see it in the
> branches/1.1 or something
> like that, unless we could release it independanly.
> I have checked it in "/sandbox/car-maven-plugin" until we find on
> an agreement for its future
> location.

I'm going to insist that we put this into branches/1.1.  Of course
you can release it independently... you can do that for anything in
an module... its only a matter of how much extra work (and possibly
pain) we want to take on to manage and maintain the setup.

Could you be more precise please ?
Are you saying that we should put it under branches/1.1 and release
it soon with a 1.1 version ?  If yes, I guess we would have found an
agreement ;)
What do you mean by setup ?

I would to see, this code added to branches/1.1, and then released as
a 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT, and then get folks building plugins for 1.1 to
switch over to using it, and then we can discus how/when we want to
release it.  My gut tells me we want to release it with the server.
Its going to be much easier for users to know that when I G 1.1.x
that I need to use the CAR 1.1.x plugin.  If they get out of sync,
then we are just going to confuse people.

 I agree with you on this point too.


Guillaume Nodet

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