+1 CTR with documentation guidelines


On Sep 10, 2006, at 6:23 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process, rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another vote.

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model. Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. In order for a patch to be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project. Others may comment but their comments are not binding. The review may, but does not have to, include application and testing. The goal of the review is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 votes.

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue raised).

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature. However, issues may include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus. Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant, ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement should be well in advance of the change being committed. The community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview of how you implemented it.


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