Is there anyway you change the geronimo-plugin.xml file to remove the hard coded dependency on Derby For the IBM WASCE release based on Geronimo 1.1.1, this causes the plug-in to not install, as we use a newer level of Derby (IBM Cloudscape and the referenced level of Derby is not hosted on your server. Maybe you can change -
to be
or drop it all together?


Brian Chan wrote:
Ok. Made the dir browseable.

Will be happy to share the PPTs with you once I finish them.

Brian Chan
Chief Software Architect
Liferay, Inc.
Enterprise. Open Source. For Life.

On 10/16/06 5:10 AM, Jacek Laskowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

On 10/14/06, Brian Chan  wrote:

The latest Liferay portal plugins are now available on.

It'd be great if we can add it to the default list of available plugin
repositories for Geronimo 1.2 and on.

I think it's doable ;-) I'l start a vote about it in a separate mail.

In the meantime, could you enable the repo to be browsable? I'm
getting the following error msg:


You don't have permission to access /plugins/ on this server.

I'm quite impressed with Geronimo's plugin architecture and will be demoing
this feature in my upcoming talks/conferences as we promote our

Would you share the presentation with us? I'd be glad if I'd be able
to showcase it to a local java user group - Warszawa-JUG and don't
bother with slides and such.

Well, some documentation pages would be of help, too ;-)


Jacek Laskowski

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