On 6/29/07, Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now that we have Lifecycle Listeners, I want to start a little
discussion around some of the Tomcat listeners that come standard
installed in their container and whether we include them or not in the
default plan.

Currently Tomcat has the following listeners attached to their
standalone container:

(Full package names included here for folks who want to look at the
Tomcat source)

AprLifecycleListener - Init and and destroy APR.

ServerLifecycleListener - Instantiates the set of MBeans associated with
the components of a running instance of Catalina.

GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener - Instantiates the set of MBeans
associated with global JNDI resources that are subject to management.

StoreConfigLifecycleListener - Load and Register StoreConfig MBean

I think we can rewrite our own ServerLifecycleListener to have Tomcat
use our mbean server instead of them creating their own.  That would
allow their objects show up in our server, so I think we should add
something like that class.

IIUC, org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.Registry.getMBeanServer() is the method
that hooks up the MBeanServer with which tomcat registers its MBeans.  Also,
tomcat is not creating an MBean server of its own to register its MBeans
with.  It is using the first one in the results from
MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null) which returns all the registered
MBeanServers.  If there are no MBeanServers, then it creates one.  Geronimo
was doing the same (though not intentional??) until GERONIMO-3268.  I have
gone through the ServerLifecycleListener class.  I could not figure how to
make tomcat register its MBeans with our MBeanServer without modifying
org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.Registry.  Anything you are seeing which I am
failing to see.

The GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener and StoreConfigLifecycleListener I
am not sure if we need, but if we were to use them we may want our own
impls to it follows our Object naming scheme.

But most importantly I want to talk about the AprLifecycleListener.  I
really think we should add this as a default listener in the plan
because this will allow people to use a netive APR connector and
*really* get some incredible performance out of Geronimo.  For those not
familiar with APR, its the Apache Portable Runtime project.


It basically will test if you have compiled natice binaries for your
platform, and if it find them, it will use those instead of hte pure
java implementation.  The listener is really for initialization and
destruction on start/stop of the server, so there is no overhead.  This
can really give Geronimo a performance boost, especially for those who
use it in a high load site.

Thoughts and opinions on me enabling that listener?  Also thoughts on
some of the other listeners would be good as well.



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