I was able to successfully build j2g from the current trunk in devtools.
Seems as though the archives.eclipse.org server does not have very much
bandwidth allocated to it, as the full build took a grand total of 172

On 10/1/07, Lin Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone been able to build the latest j2g in devtools trunk, after
> Donald switched to use Eclipse 3.3 RC2?   I have been trying to build it
>   both at work and home but it seems taking forever to download the
>   http://archive.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/S-3.3
> RC2-200705251350/eclipse-SDK-3.3RC2-win32.zip file.  I think switching
> to Sachin's private repo can fix this but I want to rule out the
> possibility that the way he set up his private repo made the previous
> build worked.
> Thanks, Lin

Erik B. Craig

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