On 13/11/2007, at 8:01 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

Gianny Damour wrote:
I hope we are not talking about the same thing. I am talking about a
"deployment time" constraint and not a "runtime" constraint mandating
that all the servers are reachable when an application is *deployed*.
FWIW, such a constraint was also defined by WebLogic 7.0; from WebLogic
8.x+, this constraint was subsequently relaxed in order to allow the
deployment to a sub-set of the cluster members - however, users can
still enforce it if they want and partial deployments is not
recommended. As previously said, it is trivial to implement a GBean to distribute a backed configuration to a server, which was not reachable
upon deployment.

Yes I mean deployment time...

I don't see a difference. Yes...I think a switch for "allor nothing" or
"deploy to those who can" would be a good feature to have.

Nous parlons enfin la meme langue :).

Agreed: this would be a nice enhancement.


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