David Jencks wrote:

On Feb 5, 2008, at 4:31 PM, David Jencks wrote:


I also realize I don't know what the intended relationship between these pages is and which one I'm supposed to work from and how (or if) to

It should not really matter from which page you start. We have two pages with the 
same content because one (index) is the default landing page but actually does not 
have content of its own. Index only has one line macro to include the content of 
Documentation -> {include:Documentation}

So why we have a second page? I just wanted to have "Documentation" listed on the breadcrumbs as well as made more sense all the documents hierarchically organized "hanging" from a Documentation parent page [ Home > Apache Geronimo v2.1 > Documentation ]
It's just a small detail but I think it makes the overall documentation looks better. 
Downside, we have two pages displaying the same content and an autoexport plugin that 
some times is not that "auto".

affect the *documentation.html page. A few days ago I wrote up info on a new jndi feature which shows up fine on the / page but not the documentation.html.

For now, the Documentation page is mostly generated by hand. Most of the work 
on the proposed TOC is just that, to list and discuss what contents to cover 
instead of just start creating the pages in some particular order. As we start 
to fill the documentation with content I'll start to mix in the Documentation 
page some macros to automatically generate links to some sections.

Where did you put that doc? it's probably just matter of changing the parent 

Just in case, here is a doc for how the documentation is organized within the different spaces in Confluence. http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo/geronimo-cwiki-documentation-architecture.html



david jencks


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