On May 12, 2008, at 4:20 AM, Jason Dillon wrote:

I'm trying to remove the use of the gshell-embeddable artifact, which includes some duplicates (like jline, xstream, slf4j, etc)... but I can't figure out how the new assembly bits are used to get stuff into the repository/*.

I can hack something up (with the assembly + antrun plugins) but I'm wondering if there is a better way. I'd like to not have a ton of pom config to list all of the gshell required dependencies, just use mvn's transitive deps to populate the repository/* with the bits that gshell needs.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Right now our transitive dependencies are sufficiently confused so that the car-maven-plugin ignores them when figuring out the geronimo dependencies for a plugin. So, the boilerplate plugin pom explicitly lists the jars it wants to get into the geronimo repo. I'm afraid including transitive dependencies may not be consistent with our classloader graph approach compared to plexus's one giant classloader approach. I havent' thought about it in detail.

Maybe we can use the mvn 2.0.9 include pom element to allow for cribbing depenendencies from one maven project into another?

david jencks


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