On May 14, 2008, at 3:23 AM, Donald Woods wrote:
I'm against the continued usage of the gshell-embeddable jar, as it hides the fact that we are including other depends in our server assemblies and will just likely cause more version conflicts and duplicate depends in the future. Maybe if you get the car-maven- plugin updated for transitive depends and mismatched versions, then we can just create a new gshell-framework pom that lets gshell tell us and the car-maven-plugin which depends to pull in....

And it just occurred to me that not using gshell-embedabble, at least to pick up the plexus support classes which gshell requires may in fact break other things, since gshell uses a much newer version of plexus than maven does, meaning that inclusion of the newer stuff could break some code depending on the other version.

But we'll have to see...


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