OK, guess I selected a bad plugin to install from the list and assumed that they were all bad....

I downloaded and installed a clean geronimo-tomcat6-javaee5-2.1.1-bin.tar.gz

Manually added the 2.1.1 plugin repo - http://geronimo.apache.org/plugins/geronimo-2.1.1/

Selected the "Geronimo Plugins :: Monitoring Agent (JMX)" and it installed fine.

If you select the "Geronimo Configs :: Servlet Examples for Tomcat 2.1-SNAPSHOT - Example" which shows up in the list, it will FAIL with - "A problem has occured: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.MissingDependencyException: Plugin is not installable on Geronimo 2.1.1 Missing dependency: org.apache.geronimo.samples/servlet-examples-tomcat/2.1-SNAPSHOT/car"

Guess we need to remove that plugin once we have the Samples updated and released for 2.1.


Joe Bohn wrote:
Lin Sun wrote:
Joe, I ran some test against the 2.1.1 plugin repo 2 weeks ago and I
could not install the sample plugins I tried - forgot the error/prob
(think I tried the servlet and jsp samples).


There is 1 problem here and a few misunderstandings based upon that problem:

- The default for the plugin repo for Geronimo 2.1.1 is actually the plugin repo for 2.1. In order to see the Geronimo 2.1.1 plugin repo you must manually add the repository. See this thread for a discussion of this issue: http://www.nabble.com/plugin-repository-for-2.1.1-td16990905s134.html

The not yet released samples (2.1-SNAPSHOT) are tied to Geronimo 2.1 and not Geronimo 2.1.1. This is why I have been interested in getting samples released for 2.1 and 2.1.1. The 2.1-SNAPSHOT samples appear in the 2.1 repository but not the 2.1.1 repository. So, if you reference the 2.1.1 repository you will not see the samples listed at all and not encounter a problem on the install. Of course, that is tricky to do since we show you the wrong repository by default in 2.1.1.

So, I think what happened was that you accessed the 2.1 repository from a 2.1.1 server and attempted to install one of the sample plugins from there.

There is one more problem that you or others may hit regarding attempts to install samples in 2.1.1 at this time. The servlet, jsp, and ldap samples are referenced directly from default/welcome servlet (/) and can optionally be installed from there. An attempt to install them from this location will also fail given that it is referencing the same incorrect, default plugin repo for 2.1.

To summarize ... the 2.1.1 repo is not broken AFAIK (if it is broken then we can easily fix it). What is broken is that 2.1.1 references the wrong plugin repo by default. That problem will be fixed when we release 2.1.2.


On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Donald Woods wrote:
Yeah, but until plugins built on earlier releases (like 2.1) work on later maintenance updates (like 2.1.1 and 2.1.2) and we fix the currently broken
2.1.1 plugin repo, I don't think we really want to over-hype this
By "the currently broken 2.1.1 plugin repo" do you just mean the fact that in G 2.1.1 the console defaults to the 2.1 plugin repo rather than the 2.1.1 plugin repo? The 2.1.1 plugin repo itself is not broken AFAIK and should
work correctly if you access it.



Jarek Gawor wrote:
Yeah, that's a good point. But there are some things we could do
without the collapsible tree, for example, ensure that the debug views
always show up on the bottom, or combine "Information" and "Java
System Info" into one portlet.

Anyway, I proposed this change becuase I feel like we should make
plugins and plugins infrastructure much more visible. Not only in the
console but everywhere else such as the website, documentation, etc.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd rather keep Plugins under applications.

As Joe pointed out, the navigational tree is already taking up too much vertical space now for lower resolution displays. Maybe if we ever have
collapsible tree again, then we could rearrange/regroup the portlets...


Jarek Gawor wrote:

Right now, the plugins portlet is not all that visible in the admin
console (it's under Applications / Plugins). I think it would be great
to make it more visible by creating a new "Plugins" section with
"Install", "Export", and "Assemble Server" subsections. I already
created three separate portlets for these plugin operations so
rearranging things visually should be easy.



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