- Axis2 1.4
 - JAX-WS 2.1
CXF 2.1.x (current release is 2.1.1)

The three of these really are one item as they have to be done together. Upgrading to JAX-WS 2.1 would require updating to the latest CXF and Axis2 versions. Likewise, updating either Axis2 or CXF to the latest (non-patch) release would require updating to JAX-WS 2.1 which would require updating all three.


On Jul 2, 2008, at 8:46 PM, Donald Woods wrote:

Items I've seen mentioned so far for 2.2 -
 - Java SE 6 support
 - Derby
 - Dojo 1.1.1 (minimal for console usage and plugins for user apps)
 - Possible reorg of the Admin Console (if we enable collapsible tree)
 - JMS Portlet improvements
 - EJB Portlet improvements
 - Axis2 1.4
 - JAX-WS 2.1

Hernan Cunico wrote:
Hi All,
We kinda started to have some discussion some time ago but couldn't find any hit on nabble so not sure were we left it. I added a Geronimo v2.2 Roadmap <../GMOxDEV/geronimo-v22- roadmap.html> page at the top of the Development section in the wiki front page, http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo/ so we can resume the discussion and collect all our thoughts in one place. (edit access is limited to committers/contributors though)
Does anybody already have a list?

Daniel Kulp

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