I just added an item for Grails/JRuby that I'd like to investigate for 2.2.


Donald Woods wrote:
Reviving thread....

Does anyone have additional items they would like to see in a 2.2 release that is not listed on the 2.2 Roadmap page?



Hernan Cunico wrote:
Hi All,
We kinda started to have some discussion some time ago but couldn't find any hit on nabble so not sure were we left it.

I added a Geronimo v2.2 Roadmap <../GMOxDEV/geronimo-v22-roadmap.html> page at the top of the Development section in the wiki front page, http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo/ so we can resume the discussion and collect all our thoughts in one place. (edit access is limited to committers/contributors though)

Does anybody already have a list?


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