Here is what is done as of Rev693682  which will be used to create RC1:
- branches/2.1.3 updated to version=2.1.3
- mvn rat:check run on source and generated artifacts/assemblies
- RELEASE-NOTES-2.1.3 updated
- Release Status page udpated -
- Release notes added to 2.1 Docs -
- Component Versions table in 2.1 Docs updated for 2.1.3 -

I'll start the vote and discuss threads tomorrow morning, as soon as I have all of the artifacts on the staging site.


Donald Woods wrote:
Time to start the discussion on winding down changes and preparing for a Geronimo 2.1.3 release.

Server fixes/enhancements are listed on the Release Status page -

Details on included security fixes in dependent components are listed on the Security page -

The only additional changes that I know of right now for 2.1.3 are Joe's "compatibility plugins/artifact alias" changes.

Does anyone have additional fixes they would like to include in 2.1.3 before we cut the branch and start the release process?


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