Looks like discussion on this thread has died down a bit but the clock is still ticking ... New Years will be here all too soon and IIUC we're trying to beat that clock!!

Some things in addition to what you've listed (I'll update the wiki with these too):
- There are a number of snapshots still in use:
  - OpenEJB
  - Axis2
  - Axiom
  - xBean
  - wadi
  - j2ee-connector spec
  - jaspi spec
  - servlet spec
  - concurrent spec
  - geronimo jaspi component
  - XmlSchema
  - woden*
  - jspc-compiler
  - and various maven plugins.
Some of these may be just as simple as using a released version but others may require that we get releases from these projects (or push releases of those that we control). The latter will slow us down. I'll start working on removing these. - Genesis. I see you've already upgraded to the newly released 1.5 ... but there's been some talk about Genesis 2.0. I'm fine with 1.5 but if folks think we need 2.0 then we need to get moving on that. - I guess we'll have to either release a number of the plugins again or figure out some compatibility solution as we did for 2.1.3+. Ideally, we should think about compatibility ahead of time even if we find we need to release some (or all) of the plugins again. I'm specifically thinking of samples, server-repo, daytrader, etc... I don't think these need to be concurrent with 2.2 but we need to make sure we have a plan that doesn't require server changes before we release the 2.2 server. - I'm a bit worried about the TCK implications (which you've already mentioned). There will be a number of issues supporting Java SE6 as well as some issues that I know have been out there for a while. I think it will make our life easier to focus exclusively on SE6.

I've been assuming all along that you are planning to be the release manager for 2.2 Donald. Is that correct? I can help as well if you want to share the burden (and if nobody objects).


Donald Woods wrote:
OK, looks like we're making good progress towards a 2.2 release.

Is everyone still thinking we can get 2.2 out this year (say branching on 11/21 with a mid-December release target)?

Seems that the major items left are:
 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.1/5.2
 - EJB Portlet
 - Use GShell for all commands (and upgrade to latest version)
 - Include new TranQL connectors for Oracle RAC, MS SQL and Informix
 - Remove the old Dojo 0.4.3 usage
 - Portlets for Farm/Clustering support?
 - TCK on Java SE 5 and 6 (or do we only certify on Java SE 6?)


Hernan Cunico wrote:
Hi All,
We kinda started to have some discussion some time ago but couldn't find any hit on nabble so not sure were we left it.

I added a Geronimo v2.2 Roadmap <../GMOxDEV/geronimo-v22-roadmap.html> page at the top of the Development section in the wiki front page, http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo/ so we can resume the discussion and collect all our thoughts in one place. (edit access is limited to committers/contributors though)

Does anybody already have a list?


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