ant elder wrote:
Currently the old TGP has got out of date and doesn't
work with any current releases of Geronimo or Tuscany so the first thing to
do is to get a basic plugin going again and then gradually add functionality
to it so it does things like:
- adds all Tuscany jars and their dependencys into Geronimo
- supports existing Tuscany webapps without needing to include any Tuscany
jars or dependencys in the lib directory
- supports simple jar contributions into a Tuscany standalone node
- supports Tuscany using Geronimo infrastructure for things such as HTTP and
JMS hosts
- supports for SCA enabled JEE application local assembly
- supports SCA wiring across JEE applications and modules

All excellent goals. Additionally I would like to see how trimmed and lean we can make this platform. Can we make it the smallest footprint, quickest bringup SCA runtime out there?

Thanks, Dan Becker

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