Given the lack of interest of getting a DayTrader out for the 2.1 codebase, I'm going to move it to samples/trunk for 2.2 unless I get a lot of input and votes on 2.1.3 this week.....


Donald Woods wrote:
I'm working on updating the daytrader/branches/2.1 for a 2.1.3 release (will rename it to branches/2.1.3 shortly.) Once everything is ready, I'll put it up for a vote.

BTW - I'm not creating a branches/2.1 for on-going maintenance, as if it is ever needed, we can copy over the 2.1.3 tag to create it. I'm just wanting to get this overdue Daytrader 2.1.x out so we can focus on the 2.2 release.


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