I agree. It would seem prudent to get 2.2 released with javaee 5 and the improvements already in place.

I think it would be great if we could release the ee6 preview features as independent plugins (not sure if that is what you meant but that seems to be Donald's proposal). I think that would simplify the release if possible and allow ee6 features to be worked and released after Geronimo 2.2. However, I'm sure there is some upfront work to remove the integration that has already taken place. I'm not sure if it is possible to release the ee 6 features independently but it would certainly be nice if we could.


David Jencks wrote:
I wonder if we should think about a 2.2 release based on javaee 5. Trunk has a lot of improvements over 2.1 and I think it would be good for our users to get something out before we do any really major osgi-related refactorings.

It would be great if we could provide javaee 6 previews for the stuff we have done but this seems less essential to me at the moment given the rapidly receding timeline for the ee6 spec.

Stuff that makes plugins a lot easier:

-- transitive dependencies from maven in car-maven-plugin
-- gbean annotations
-- classloader-per-jar (not yet in trunk)

updated external project support:

jaspi support (still needs tck)
jetty 7 (@eclipse, this will now be servlet 2.5 compliant)
activemq 5

potential ee6 features:

openejb ejb 3.1 support
connector 1.6 support
jetty 8 (proposed) servelt 3.0 support
openjpa jpa 2.0 support (??? not sure how far along this is)

I wonder if we can release these somewhat separately as early access plugins.

what do people think?

david jencks

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