After reading some code changes of the geronimo-kenel in the sanbox, I found
that we keep the Geronimo kenel as an OSGI service, and each Configuration (
or a bundle) will search it and start the configuration as we do in the past
while starting. I have a feeling that, if we do that, Geronimo is still a
part of OSGI env, could we make the Geronimo is an OSGI env? Could we
publish GBeans as OSGI service via a ConfigurationActivator, or though a
GBean-OSGI adapter ?
Thanks !

2009/9/22 Rex Wang <>

> Yes! hope for detail sharing :-)
> -Rex
> 2009/9/22 Jack Cai <>
> David, that's exciting work!
>> It'll be great if you can share some more details. There are a few puzzles
>> that flow around my mind -
>>  * Are we just taking OSGi framework in as another plug-in to let it host
>> OSGi applications? Or, vice-versa, we are converting Geronimo into an OSGi
>> application?
>   * If the latter case, will GBean go away?
>>  * If yes, how much code changes are required? I'd say a lot ...
>> -Jack
>> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:25 AM, David Jencks <>wrote:
>>> Over the weekend I got my sandbox osgi framework to build and generate
>>> all the plugins as osgi bundles.  This involves running some of the geronimo
>>> server on osgi/felix inside maven.  The dependency management system seems
>>> to work OK at least for starting bundles.  I also started doing a little bit
>>> of code cleanup.
>>> I think the next step will be to get the framework server running in
>>> standalone karaf or felix.  Hopefully this will be no harder than getting it
>>> running in embedded felix in maven.
>>> thanks
>>> david jencks


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