On Sep 23, 2009, at 3:35 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:

David Jencks wrote:

On Sep 22, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Ivan wrote:

After reading some code changes of the geronimo-kenel in the sanbox, I found that we keep the Geronimo kenel as an OSGI service, and each Configuration ( or a bundle) will search it and start the configuration as we do in the past while starting.

There's a difference in lifecycles between osgi bundles and geronimo configurations.

bundles can be installed, in which case the classes are not available, or started, in which case the classes are all available and the bundle activator has been started. AFAICT there is no other built in "no-really-start-it" state beyond "started". There might be more less-started states I'm not aware of.
The extender model sort or introduces an additional state (or at least the Blueprint extender does). After STARTED state, the extender kicks in and processes metadata in the bundle and performs additional actions. The completion point is when the BlueprintContainer service is published to the service registry. At that point, the bundle state is "complete". Something similar might make sense for a configuration, where a "ConfigurationContainer" service is published to the registry that would allow additional configuration operations to be performed.

I think people have outlined two options here. I don't know if either of them would actually work well in practice:

1. map the "resolved" bundle state to "classes available + gbean metadata available", and the "started" bundle state to "all the gbeans started". I _think_ a bundle listener is notified when a bundle is resolved, we could write a bundle listener to look up and register the gbean metadata in the kernel. This is now done in the ConfigurationActivator. The ConfigurationActivator start would then start all the gbeans. Alternatively we could use a bundle listener to start all the gbeans.

2. map the "started" bundle state to "classes available and gbean metadata available, but gbeans not started" and have a further state of "gbeans started" under the control of something else, perhaps similar to the blueprint extender. This is closer to what I've implemented so far.

The real reason we have these two configuration staties is that we generally need access to the gbean metadata in order to deploy javaee applications to make sure the gbean references will be satisfied at runtime (there's also some further use for j2ca connector metadata, but we miight be able to find an alternate way to deal with this). We don't want to force you to start up a whole server with opening all the server ports just to build a plugin for a web app.

So far I think this is a useful capability so I'd like to try to find a way to implement it in osgi. Alternatively we could abandon the idea of building plugins for javaee apps that are "predeployed apps" that should just work and go to more of a "find the problems at runtime" model.

We won't be able to tell how well this stuff works until we get to making the deployers work in osgi. The stuff in framework doesn't really have enough contact with the outside world through server ports to show up problems with any of these approaches.

david jencks

A Configuration is a gbean. You can't get much usefaul data out of it until its started. Once it is started the classes are available and you can find out what services (gbeans) are in the configuration and look at their attributes. There's a further state of "all gbeans started". The configuration manager treats these states as "loaded" and "started"
Again, this maps fairly well to the model used by Blueprint extender. The Configuration gbean could be published to the registry once it reaches the "all gbeans started" state.

So far it seems to work to do something similar in the osgi environment but it doesn't really fit very well yet. I'm not sure where we will end up with this.

I have a feeling that, if we do that, Geronimo is still a part of OSGI env, could we make the Geronimo is an OSGI env?

I don't understand what you are asking here. In the sandbox, geronimo plugins are running in an osgi enviroment, and all the classes are loaded from osgi bundles. Could you explain more what you are asking about?

Could we publish GBeans as OSGI service via a ConfigurationActivator, or though a GBean-OSGI adapter ?

I'm pretty sure we could, but I'd like to get more stuff working before we decide if its a good idea. IIUC blueprint doesn't publish every blueprint bean as an osgi service, but only ones you configure to be published. I suspect we may want to, similarly, only publish some gbeans as osgi services.
Your understanding is correct. Only the explicitly identified beans are published as services. I suspect this would likely make sense within a configuration context as well.

My current approach is to try to modify the existing geronimo architecture relatively little where possible to get it to run in osgi, respecting osgi architecture. So, I am trying to get stuff working with the kernel as an osgi service, get the deployers working, etc etc. I think after we have done this we will have a much better idea what other work we want to try. For instance, we might not need a kernel at all: possibly gbeans can just be osgi services with a few extra attributes.

david jencks

Thanks !

2009/9/22 Rex Wang <rwo...@gmail.com <mailto:rwo...@gmail.com>>

   Yes! hope for detail sharing :-)

   2009/9/22 Jack Cai <greensi...@gmail.com

       David, that's exciting work!

       It'll be great if you can share some more details. There are
       a few puzzles that flow around my mind -
        * Are we just taking OSGi framework in as another plug-in to
       let it host OSGi applications? Or, vice-versa, we are
       converting Geronimo into an OSGi application?
        * If the latter case, will GBean go away?
* If yes, how much code changes are required? I'd say a lot ...


       On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:25 AM, David Jencks
<david_jen...@yahoo.com <mailto:david_jen...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

           Over the weekend I got my sandbox osgi framework to build
           and generate all the plugins as osgi bundles.  This
           involves running some of the geronimo server on
           osgi/felix inside maven.  The dependency management
           system seems to work OK at least for starting bundles.  I
           also started doing a little bit of code cleanup.

           I think the next step will be to get the framework server
           running in standalone karaf or felix.  Hopefully this
           will be no harder than getting it running in embedded
           felix in maven.

           david jencks


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