A new 3.0-M1 release candidate is ready for review. The LICENSE problem has been corrected and the missed testsuite updates that Jarek noticed have been included.

See the JIRA issues here:


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The main artifacts up for vote are the source release archives

https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-046/org/apache/geronimo/geronimo/3.0-M1/geronimo-3.0-M1-source-release.zip https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachegeronimo-046/org/apache/geronimo/geronimo/3.0-M1/geronimo-3.0-M1-source-release.tar.gz

If you vote you should at least examine these and make sure something plausible builds from them.

The voting will be open a minimum of 72 hours.

[  ] +1 about time to push this out the door
[  ]  0 no opinion
[  ] -1 not this one  (please explain why)


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