Thank Russell for the comprehensive explanation.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:33 AM, Russell E Glaue <> wrote:

> I do not know the answer, but have two suggestions as why this is
> necessary.
> 1. First, we should be trying to make servlet compliance identical (as much
> as
> possible) between Jetty and Tomcat, and any future Servlet container. Being
> strict can better ensure cross-servlet-container compatibility.
> 2. I would assume the ...STRICT_COMPLIANCE=false allows the software to be
> forgiving to users that may use older syntax, or to make the servlet more
> backwards compatible.
> I would suggest that unless necessary to do otherwise, we should always
> observe
> strict compliance. Strict Compliance should be interpreted as requiring the
> exact unforgiving syntax for servlet compliance.
> I would also suggest that if the spring sample travel does not work well in
> the
> latest version of tomcat under Geronimo, that it be updated to meet the
> current
> specific strict servlet requirements.
> Perhaps one reason tomcat has SERVLET_COMPLIANE=false is to make the older
> sample webapps compliant so that time was not spent on upgrading the old
> webapp.
> And perhaps this webapp is an example for the reason why the tomcat has
> this set
> to false by default in the first place.
> IMO, Better to be strict and enforce compliance, because at some point the
> old
> deprecated syntax has to go away. And with current configuration, we alert
> the
> Geronimo admin about the uncompliant configuration, and they can choose to
> fix
> the compliance issue, and set the STRICT_COMPLIANCE flag to false and have
> some
> breathing room time to fix the issue.
> -RG
> On 09/19/2011 12:43 AM, han hongfang wrote:
> > Hi devs,
> >
> > When I look into the,
> I
> > notice that in \trunk\plugins\tomcat\tomcat7\src\main\plan\plan.xml,
> geronimo
> > sets org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true, but it is false
> in
> > tomcat by default. This causes the spring sample travel works well in
> tomcat,
> > but has homepage access issue (404 error) in geronimo.
> >
> > Could somebody give me a hint why geronimo explicitly sets
> > org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE as true? Does the default
> value
> > false lead to any problem?
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Han Hong Fang (Janet)
> > hanhongfang AT <>
> >
> >

Best regards,

Han Hong Fang (Janet)
hanhongfang AT

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