Hello All,

As some of you know several of the OSGi RIs consume the specification
bundles produced by the Apache Geronimo project.

In the last couple of OSGi releases we've been applying the requirement for
Portable Java Contracts as part of new and updated specs. Now as the specs
of OSGi Release 7 have finalized we're in need to close out the RIs.

To that end I'd like to request the application of the Portable Java
Contracts to the Geronimo spec bundles.

I've created an issue [1] and sent a PR [2] which makes the necessary

Would someone be so kind as to review this?

Next, if acceptable, would someone call a release? I'm not sure of the
specs can be released all at once, but that would be the best case scenario.

- Ray

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-6606
[2] https://github.com/apache/geronimo-specs/pull/9

*Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com>
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <http://osgi.org> (@OSGiAlliance)

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