Hi folks,

I wanted to start a conversation about our readiness to graduate. We have
come a long way since we incubated in Apache, with:

- 1700+ contributions from 96 contributors
- 3 releases under 2 different release managers
- 5 committers invited (all accepted)
- New Apache website setup [A]
- Issue tracking migrated to Jira [B]
- Dev conversations moved to d...@gobblin.incubator.org
- Diverse committers and PMCs (from 9 companies / institutes)
- We have built a meritocratic and open collaborative progress (the Apache

I think as next steps before moving to a formal vote, we need to:
1. Update Apache Gobblin (incubating) page [C]
2. Formally assess ourselves against Apache maturity model [D]
3. Perform podling name search [E]
4. Review and update roster
5. Review and update documentation wherever necessary

I can start with 1 & 2, and I saw Owen is already looking into 4. I might
need our mentor's help with 1.
Does anyone want to look at 3, and 5?

What do folks think?

[A] https://gobblin.incubator.apache.org/
[B] https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/GOBBLIN/issues/
[C] https://incubator.apache.org/projects/gobblin.html
[E] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PODLINGNAMESEARCH-131


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