On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Steve Ebersole <steven.ebers...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  I agree that neither is correct and that this is yet another
> manifestation of bad Maven design.
> But...
> This is a POM.  It is specifically a Maven artifact.  In my opinion this
> needs to follow Maven conventions.  That seems to be the way you are
> leaning as well given the plan you are describing below.

I agree although people should be able to choose I guess.

> I'd really like to stick with the Publication DSL.  It is much
> simpler/better.  I updated my plugins to work with it.  And I'd like to
> keep testing it for y'all.  It is not clear from the documentation how one
> can use the pom.withXml approach to over-write values already in the POM
> from Gradle.  I tried what seemed logical (though granted, brute force) to
> me:
> pom.withXml {
>     asNode()...
>     final String runtimeScope = '<scope>runtime</scope>';
>     final int replacementLength = runtimeScope.length();
>     final String compileScope = '<scope>compile</scope>';
>     final StringBuilder stringBuilder = asString();
>     int index = stringBuilder.indexOf( runtimeScope );
>     while ( index > -1 ) {
>         stringBuilder.replace( index, index+replacementLength,
> compileScope );
>         index = stringBuilder.indexOf( runtimeScope );
>     }
> }
> It works (though quite ugly imo).

BTW: With the wonderful old publication API you had access to the Maven
project object directly ;). Do we think that this is not really necessary
and having access to the XML representation is good enough?


> On 05/05/2013 03:13 PM, Adam Murdoch wrote:
>  On 03/05/2013, at 11:28 PM, Steve Ebersole <st...@hibernate.org> wrote:
> After updating Hibernate to use the new publishing stuff we now see all
> dependencies in the generated POM as 'runtime' whereas previously the
> generated pom used 'compile'.  Is that expected?
> If so, I understand the logic behind using 'runtime' instead except for
> the fact of the footnote on Maven's own dependency primer[1[, I quote:
> " it is intended that this should be runtime scope instead, so that all
> compile dependencies must be explicitly listed - however, there is the case
> where the library you depend on extends a class from another library,
> forcing you to have available at compile time. For this reason, compile
> time dependencies remain as compile scope even when they are transitive."
> Given that this is generating something to explicitly plug in to Maven
> builds, I think 'compile' should still have been the choice.
>  The problem is that both choices are wrong. Some of the things you
> compile against form part of your API, and should be made available to a
> consumer when they are compiling against your component. And some of the
> things you compile against form part of your private implementation, and
> should not be made available to a consumer at compile time.
>  Our plan is to add a mechanism that allows you to declare the
> dependencies of your API. These will be made available to both you and your
> consumers at compile time. When you're publishing to Maven, these will end
> up in the `compile` scope. Everything else will end up in the `runtime`
> scope.
>  There will also be a DSL on the publication object for messing with the
> scopes, if you don't like whatever the defaults happen to be. We've done
> this for the artefacts of the publication, but haven't tackled it for the
> scopes and dependencies yet.
> [1]
> http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html
> On Tue 16 Apr 2013 06:11:54 PM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> That plugin code on master works.  I just integrated it into Hibernate
> build and updated Hibernate to use this Publication DSL and was able
> to perform a publish!
> In terms of designing a generic solution, not sure how much help I
> will be.  Gradle has moved on dramatically from the last time I was
> "in the code".  But I do think the
> org.hibernate.build.gradle.publish.auth.maven.Credentials/CredentialsProvider/CredentialsProviderRegistry
> stuff is pretty generic solution for managing credentials.   But I'd
> not really be sure the best way to tie it in to Gradle to apply
> credentials to "things" that need authentication.
> Anyway, I'll be pushing (ahem, *publishing*) a 2.0.0 release of this
> plugin later today that will support its feature set against the
> Publication DSL.
> Thanks to Luke, Daz and Adam for all the help getting me on the right
> path there!
> On Tue 16 Apr 2013 04:19:41 PM CDT, Adam Murdoch wrote:
> On 16/04/2013, at 10:41 PM, Steve Ebersole <st...@hibernate.org
> <mailto:st...@hibernate.org <st...@hibernate.org>>> wrote:
> Maybe an even better question...
> This upload credential plugin is really in my opinion a work around
> for the fact that Gradle has no built-in support for externalized
> credential declaration.  As the developer of an OSS project, it is
> utterly impossible for me to put my username/password directly into
> my build scripts.
> While forcing each project  to define username/password project
> variables and do the whole hasProperty checking stuff "works", it is
> (again in my opinion) not ideal.
> Absolutely. I agree with this.
> So...  Is there any externalized credential management in place or
> planned?  Pretty sure there is nothing in place as of now.  Is
> anything of the sort planned?
> It's planned. Just a matter of finding the time. As always, if someone
> from the community is interested in helping out with this, we'd really
> appreciate it. One place to start would be to get Steve's plugin
> merged into Gradle and we can evolve it from there.
> On Tue 16 Apr 2013 07:30:57 AM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> Sigh.  Daz mentioned that credentials get copied from the upload repo
> definitions.
> Look, I just want to know what I need to do in order to apply a set of
> credentials to a maven repository to be used for upload.  Is that
> possible?  If so how?  Been asking that for almost 2 weeks now ;)
> P.S.  I am also not seeing a way to define a split between
> "production" and "snapshot" repo urls for publishing the way we used
> to be able to do with uploadArchives.repositories.mavenDeployer.  Is
> that also no longer supported?  If not, I guess that is something I
> need to handle "manually" in the script to conditionally set the url?
> On Tue 16 Apr 2013 07:25:04 AM CDT, Luke Daley wrote:
> On 16/04/2013, at 1:19 PM, Steve Ebersole <st...@hibernate.org
> <mailto:st...@hibernate.org <st...@hibernate.org>>> wrote:
> So am I understanding that the only way to get this (applying
> "publish repo" credentials) is to add credentials to a
> MavenArtifactRepository?
> What I am not understanding is what to do in the (seemingly normal)
> use case where the publish repo is not an artifact (download) repo.
> The set of consumption repositories is a different set to the
> publication repositories.
> On Sat 06 Apr 2013 08:47:15 PM CDT, Daz DeBoer wrote:
> If you didn't find it, the DSL docs for the Publishing Extension
> and
> related model elements might be useful:
> http://www.gradle.org/docs/nightly/dsl/org.gradle.api.publish.PublishingExtension.html
> .
> For some classes (eg PublicationContainer) the javadoc is probably
> more useful than the DSL reference (click the "API Documentation"
> link
> from the DSL page).
> Other than that, the best way to understand what's going on is to
> consult the sources.
> One thing that is not well documented is the new, experimental
> support
> for deferred configuration that is leveraged by the
> PublishingExtension. This  extension is a {@link
> org.gradle.api.plugins.DeferredConfigurable} model element, meaning
> that extension will not be configured until it is first accessed in
> the build. So any configuration blocks are not executed until
> either:
> 1. The project is about to execute
> or
> 2. The publishing extension is referenced as an instance, as
> opposed
> to a configuration closure. ie:
>  publishing.publications { ... }
>  publishing.repositories.maven { ... }
> You can read the rationale behind deferred configuration in the
> design
> doc:
> https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/master/design-docs/lazy-configuration.md
> .
> We're interested in feedback and ideas of how we can make this
> clearer.
> If you were not aware of this, it's quite possible that you were
> causing the publishing extension to be configured early which could
> lead to hard-to-understand behaviour.
> I'm happy to help get things working, do you have some code to
> share?
> cheers
> Daz
> On 5 April 2013 15:47, Steve Ebersole <st...@hibernate.org
> <mailto:st...@hibernate.org <st...@hibernate.org>>
> <mailto:st...@hibernate.org <st...@hibernate.org>>> wrote:
>   I realize that this is an incubating feature, but given the
>   current documentation I am really not able to get this to work.
>    It works if I have something simple (no pom customization, no
>   snapshot/releases repository distinction, etc).  Is there some
>   better documentation I shuld look at rather than
> http://www.gradle.org/docs/__current/userguide/publishing___maven.html
> <http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/publishing_maven.html>
>   and the dsl docs for MavenPom/MavenPublication?
>   On Fri 05 Apr 2013 02:50:42 PM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>       Hey Daz,
>       The "upload auth" plugin[1] reads credentials from maven
>       settings.xml
>       etc and applies them to any same-named repositories
> referenced
>       in a
>       Gradle build through an Upload task.  So, as I understand
> it, that
>       would not apply here.
>       Applying the credentials to the resolution repos would be a
>       good thing
>       too.
>       [1] https://github.com/sebersole/__gradle-upload-auth-plugin
>       <https://github.com/sebersole/gradle-upload-auth-plugin>
>       On Fri 05 Apr 2013 02:21:07 PM CDT, Daz DeBoer wrote:
>           On 5 April 2013 07:16, Steve Ebersole
> <st...@hibernate.org
>           <mailto:st...@hibernate.org <st...@hibernate.org>>
>           <mailto:st...@hibernate.org <st...@hibernate.org>
> <mailto:st...@hibernate.org <st...@hibernate.org>>>>
>           wrote:
>               I am just upgrading Hibernate to Gradle 1.5 and am
>           reading about
>               the new publications stuff.  I really like the
> new DSL
>           much, much
>               better.
>               I did have one question though that was not
> addressed
>           in the docs.
>               For the old style of "uploading" I had developed a
>           plugin that
>               provided authorization based on users local Maven
>           install.  From
>               my recollection the intent in the new maven
>           publication code was
>               to provide this behavior out-of-the-box.  So I am
>           curious if that
>               code ever made it into the
>               MavenArtifactRepository/____MavenPublication
> code.  Or
>           do I need to
>               update my gradle-upload-auth-plugin to handle
> this new
>           API?
>           The new Publication support copies the credentials from
> the
>           MavenArtifactRepository (see the poorly named
> org.gradle.api.publish.maven.__internal.publisher.__MavenDeployerConfigurer).
>           So any plugin code that you use to add credentials to
> maven
>           repositories used for resolution should also work for
>           publication.
>           --
>           Darrell (Daz) DeBoer
>           Principal Engineer, Gradleware
>           http://www.gradleware.com <http://www.gradleware.com/>
>           Join us at the Gradle Summit 2013, June 13th and 14th in
>           Santa Clara,
>           CA: http://www.gradlesummit.com
> <http://www.gradlesummit.com/>
> --
> Darrell (Daz) DeBoer
> Principal Engineer, Gradleware
> http://www.gradleware.com <http://www.gradleware.com/>
> Join us at the Gradle Summit 2013, June 13th and 14th in Santa
> Clara,
> CA: http://www.gradlesummit.com <http://www.gradlesummit.com/>
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> --
> Adam Murdoch
> Gradle Co-founder
> http://www.gradle.org
> VP of Engineering, Gradleware Inc. - Gradle Training, Support,
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> http://www.gradleware.com
> Join us at the Gradle Summit 2013, June 13th and 14th in Santa Clara,
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> --
> Adam Murdoch
> Gradle Co-founder
> http://www.gradle.org
> VP of Engineering, Gradleware Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting
> http://www.gradleware.com
>  Join us at the Gradle Summit 2013, June 13th and 14th in Santa Clara,
> CA: http://www.gradlesummit.com

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