Let me ask this for clarity.  Are your extension classes written in Java or 
Groovy or a mix?  Annotation processor is a Java compiler mechanism.  Groovy 
compiler uses local AST Transforms to similar effect.

If you are writing Java classes with the intent of providing additional Groovy 
support, then a Java APT extension could be created without Groovy involvement.

From: adithyank <adi.k....@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 2:05 AM
To: d...@groovy.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Configuring Extension Module using Custom Annotation

Hi Eric,

1. The idea of maintaining one File with command separated values is ok if
the classes are few (in 4 or 5). If we plan to write lot of Extension
Classes, then that single file is becoming un-manageable
2. If repo is branched, then same file is touched by more people with their
own entries. So, merging always creates conflicts and is difficult to
resolve the merge due to long line
3. Also, another touch point if a new class is created. It is any way better
if we just annotate the class and if it works

My Idea is to have an annotation process and create the
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule file during compile time only.
No runtime classpath scanning


Adithyan K
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