the idea is very plain:

- if you don't need to nest same-named variables, there's no harm, you just 
don't do that, and all's well and swell — the danger you do that inadvertently 
and mess up your code is nonzero, but extremely small;
- if you happen to need that — typically, if you are copy-pasting some 
well-tested inner code into another method — you just do that and don't have to 
rename. And that's highly desirable, for renaming is dangerous and error-prone: 
you rename once-too-many or once-too-less, and hard-to-find errors ensue.

As for coding style, that's in the eye of the beholder, but in my own 
experience, it is considerably better to keep the same approach — like i, j, k 
etc. for indices used in small loops etc. — than using i here, i1 there, i2 in 
just another place, all messing up the code mightily, without any proper reason 
— just forced by the compiler deficiency in proper nesting.

Incidentally, Groovy sort-of supports this with it: you can write

3.times { // works all right, which is, well... all right :)
  println "outer: $it"
  it.times {
    println "inner: $it all right"

it is completely absurd and nonsensical that you can not rewrite the very and 
completely same code with explicit variables:

3.times { n -> // does not work, which is wrong
  println "outer: $n"
  n.times { n ->
    println "inner: $n oops!"

This “let's try to prevent the programmer shooting his own leg by crippling his 
gun” approach of Java is actually a cause of infinitely more errors than those 
it prevents. We should leave it to Java to cherish its terrible design howlers 
— and get rid of them in Groovy, in my personal opinion :)

All the best,

> On 2 Dec 2020, at 23:33, MG <> wrote:
> Hi OC,
> I think that generally speaking, hiding/masking an outer variable like that 
> is a quite undesireable coding style, so I like the current Groovy behavior 
> (even if it deviates from C, evidently - I never used code like that in C, so 
> I did not even know it was valid ;-) ).
> What specific use case did you have in mind, where just renaming the inner 
> variable to i0, j, k, ... or the outer to index, idx, ... would not be the 
> better solution ?
> (I use an informal coding style where I use variable names with a number at 
> the end for short term / loop / etc variables, and for parameters and 
> variables who live throughout a method or larger block I use no number 
> postfix or longer names; the short name / long name meta at least is quite 
> common, I think)
> Cheers,
> mg
> On 02/12/2020 18:13, OCsite wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> when touching this stuff, it would be extremely desirable primarily to fix 
>> the scoping/obscuring of same-named variables, which Groovy at the moment 
>> does wrong, same as the demented Java thing:
>> ===
>> 89 ocs /tmp> <q.groovy
>> def i=0 // outer
>> println "i=$i (outer)"
>> for (int i=1 /* inner */;i<2;i++) println "i=$i (inner)"
>> println "i=$i (outer again)"
>> 89 ocs /tmp> /usr/local/groovy-4.0.0-alpha-1/bin/groovy q
>> org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup 
>> failed:
>> /private/tmp/q.groovy: 3: The current scope already contains a variable of 
>> the name i
>>  @ line 3, column 10.
>>    for (int i=1 /* inner */;i<2;i++) println "i=$i (inner)"
>>             ^
>> 1 error
>> 90 ocs /tmp>
>> ===
>> This is how it should work:
>> ===
>> 90 ocs /tmp> <q.c
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> int main() {
>>   int i=0;
>>   printf("i=%d (outer)\n",i);
>>   for (int i=1 /* inner */;i<2;i++) printf("i=%d (inner)\n",i);
>>   printf("i=%d (outer again)\n",i);
>>   return 0;
>> }
>> 91 ocs /tmp> cc -Wall q.c && ./a.out                     
>> i=0 (outer)
>> i=1 (inner)
>> i=0 (outer again)
>> 92 ocs /tmp> 
>> ===
>> Thanks and all the best,
>> OC
>>> On 2 Dec 2020, at 17:34, Milles, Eric (TR Technology) 
>>> < <>> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Traditional "for" (first example) and ARM "try" (last example) support 
>>> local variable declarations that are scoped to the statement.  In light of 
>>> the upcoming                       "instanceof" enhancement in Java, I was 
>>> thinking about possible alternatives for declaring local variables that 
>>> have statement scope.
>>> for (int i = ...; ...) {
>>>   // i available
>>> }
>>> // i unavailable
>>> for (x in y index i) { // from Gosu ( 
>>> <>) -- an alternative to using 
>>> eachWithIndex
>>> }
>>> if (x instanceof T t) { // from Java 14+
>>> }
>>> if (def x = ...) { // tests Groovy truth in this form; may be wrapped in 
>>> parens to check something else about "x"
>>> }
>>> try (def ac = ...) {
>>> }
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