Unfortunately not. I've purged all groovy artifacts from my local Maven repo via "find ~/.m2 -name *groovy* -exec rm -rf {} \;" and tried both commands, checking ~/.m2/repository after each of them

"gradlew install" - no files placed into ~/.m2/repository
"gradlew publish" - fails with the same error I mentioned in my previous mail

how [t]o do this ... "gradlew publishToMavenLocal"
Does "gradlew install" or "gradlew publish" put the snapshot artifacts in your 
local maven repository?

Tobias Gierke
Software Developer

Voipfuture GmbH   Wendenstr. 4   20097 Hamburg   Germany
Phone +49 40 688 9001 64   Fax +49 40 688 9001 99
Managing Directors   Jan Bastian   Eyal Ullert
Commercial Court AG Hamburg   HRB 109896   VAT ID DE263738086

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