On 17.06.23 01:24, Paul King wrote:

On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 9:10 PM Jochen Theodorou <blackd...@gmx.org
<mailto:blackd...@gmx.org>> wrote:

    On 16.06.23 13:08, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
     > On 15.06.23 16:55, Paul King wrote:
     >> We only upgraded to 8.1.1 a few days ago and not all tasks have been
     >> tested yet. On the version you have, you should be able to build an
     >> installation with "distBin" or "installGroovy".
     >> I just fixed "publishToMavenLocal", so update and you should be
    good to
     >> go to get the SNAPSHOT artifacts.
     >> Groovy 4.0.12 should run fine with JDK 21ea. From your stack
    trace, it
     >> looks like an older version of ASM or Groovy is on your classpath.
     > really? I cannot confirm this

    sorry... run fine, not build fine. My bad

Yes, we'll need to get it building on JDK21 too if we find a need for a
Java21 vmplugin. But nothing requires that just yet.

yeah, but the problem is gradle 8.1.1 supports only up to JDK20. Even if
our code would already support JDK21, the build cannot be run with it.
As soon as you have a build script gradle will produce class files with
JDK21 (version 65), which the Groovy version coming with gradle cannot
read. At least that is my interpretation of

./gradlew clean
Type-safe project accessors is an incubating feature.

Task :build-logic:compileGroovy
Groovy compilation avoidance is an incubating feature.

Task :build-logic:compileGroovy FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':build-logic:compileGroovy'.
BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit 
 Unsupported class file major version 65

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

4 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 3 up-to-date

What seems to happen though is that Gradle produces a bunch of java
files and compiles these with JDK21, which Groovy then fails to load.
Anyone any idea how those files are generated?

bye Jochen

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