On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Tim Ellison <t.p.elli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I took a look at the tests briefly, they are checking exception throwing
> compatibility, something that we aim to maintain with the RI as rightly
> or wrongly apps depend upon non-spec'd behavior.

Sorry about this guys.

One of the engineering problems I'm working through is that Android has its
own copy of the Harmony test suite. It has additional tests, plus some
changes to the original test suite. I'm not particularly happy having two
copies! Anyway, in submitting this change I'd run the BufferedReader changes
through our test suite, but not Harmony's, and as a consequence I've broken
some tests. I'll take better care going forward. The silver lining in this
is that Android has many tests to contribute in time.

I've committed the fix as r835954.

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