I think the last time this came up the answer to "when?" was

* 1.1 "in time for phoenix 5"
* 2.0 "later than 6 months and sooner than 6 years from 1.0"

Can we discuss some goal post dates for these versions?

I'd like to help Allen get HBASE-13231 (shell script update) done, and he's
wondering how much he needs to prioritize it based on our expectations for
when things come out.

What do folks think of initial RC for 1.1 at the end of June and initial RC
for 2.0 around November?

Hopefully the 1.1 RC process will take ~1 month and the 2.0 ~2 months. That
would have 2.0 come out just around a year after 1.0.


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