Silly question… 
Do you really need to worry about backward’s compatibility? 

How many people have customized HBaseShell ? 

What are the common customizations and if you port HBase shell, how much work 
would filter through to the custom code? 

> On May 13, 2015, at 11:22 AM, Sean Busbey <> wrote:
> Hi folks!
> If you weren't aware, our current shell relies on Ruby, specifically the
> REPL program IRB from JRuby. When we launched 1.0 we were on JRuby 1.6 with
> defaults, which means we're stuck on Ruby 1.8.
> For those that don't already know, Ruby 1.8 is super old and has been
> walking off into the sunset for a few years now. Most (but not all!) formal
> support systems for running Ruby have EOLed 1.8 and there are numerous
> known issues with it.
> Right now there's an open ticket to get us on JRuby 1.7 so that our shell
> can work on PPC systems[1]. That version of JRuby defaults to Ruby 1.9 but
> can be run in Ruby 1.8 mode. There are some implementation details
> outstanding, but I'm hoping that ticket can work out such that it can land
> in branch-1.
> For HBase 2.0, I'd like us to plan for a little farther out in the future
> than just updating to Ruby 1.9 (though that would be a fine incremental
> step with some non-trivial work attached). The "current" version of Ruby is
> 2.2. Much like the move from 1.8 -> 1.9 it is not backwards compatible.
> JRuby's next major maintenance release line is "version 9000"[2] and it
> will start out *only* supporting Ruby 2.2. Right now JRuby 9000 is in its
> second "preview" release. They still have a few feature complete items to
> address before they hit their first GA release.
> I'd like us to move to Ruby 2.2 via JRuby 9000 for HBase 2.0.  This will
> cause operator pain to folks with advanced scripts based on Ruby 1.8, but
> it should allow us to update versions to avoid e.g. perf, correctness, and
> security issues much more easily over the lifetime of 2.0.
> What do folks think? Would JRuby 9000 need to hit a GA release prior to
> HBase 2.0 getting released for us to adopt it? Or would it only need enough
> of Ruby 2.2 to run our current shell?
> [1]:
> [2]:
> -- 
> Sean

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