A fairly fresh huffpost op-ed on this topic from none other than the CEO of

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Daniel Vimont <dan...@commonvox.org>

> Andrew -- It's encouraging to hear about your positive take on the overall
> situation at Salesforce. I agree that one of the questions to consider is
> that of how to encourage people of different genders and ethnicities (and
> perhaps even ages!) to join us. To me, the easiest way to get an inkling of
> how to do that is to look around and ask ourselves "what drew US into this
> project"? It seems to me that what made US want to be here might similarly
> entice OTHERS to want to join. That's why, in my original contribution to
> this conversation, I stated why *I* am here. Unfortunately, I don't know
> that there are any cookbook answers regarding how to recruit for HBase (and
> other hadoop-related) technologies in specific workplaces. In workplaces
> where people are *assigned* to work with HBase, the person to talk with
> would probably be the assigner; in places where people more freely *choose*
> their own roles (sounds like Salesforce is in this category), then focused
> one-on-one evangelizing/recruiting might be appropriate.
> But I imagine that getting people initially intrigued at the prospect of
> working with leading-edge technology is likely much easier than asking them
> to join a team in which they are to play a Jackie Robinson-like role. A few
> days ago, I traded some messages with a woman who recently left the entire
> IT field a few months back (and had, in fact, most recently been working on
> teams using hadoop-ecosystem technologies). She said she LOVED what she was
> doing, but that 20 years of (1) often being the only woman in the room, (2)
> having to constantly prove herself "worthy" of even being in the room, and
> (3) having to deal with explicit threats, doxing, etc. in online work
> situations -- all that wore her down until she finally quit a few months
> ago.
> So now, Andrew, to get back to your question of what's keeping non-male
> people from opting in to your HBase team, all I can do is guess that
> perhaps nobody wants to be the sole woman sitting in the roomful of guys
> (playing that potentially very uncomfortable "Jackie Robinson" role). But
> your best bet is to approach some of the women that you think might make
> the best candidates for your HBase team and simply ask them. That's sure to
> get you much better data than my wild-assed guesses!!
> (If it turns out that my guess is correct and that nobody feels
> comfortable being that trail-blazing "first woman" on the team, then try to
> arrange for three or more ladies to be transferred in at the same time.
> After that, the challenge would be to make sure that the environment is
> safe and supportive for them, so they'll stick around. If that can be
> maintained, then I would hope that they would become your next team of
> evangelists, bringing others in and continuing a virtuous and organic cycle
> of diversification and inclusion.)
> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 2:30 AM, Andrew Purtell <andrew.purt...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Salesforce has a diverse workforce. I went there directly from Intel and
>> have had occasion to participate in many more mixed gender work situations
>> since moving over. I could go on about how Salesforce has a great culture
>> but I'll spare you the tangent. (Smile) However those of us working in the
>> various storage and compute platform groups here still have to make the
>> case we're a good team to work on in an open internal hiring market. There
>> are some direct to position external recruitments but they're in the
>> minority. Two observations:
>> - Even with an overall diverse workforce in our org storage is
>> overwhelming staffed with males. I can count females on one hand and none
>> are working on the HBase team. So what is it about Storage (or the people
>> working on it) that do not make or counter an appeal?
>> - If we want to increase team diversity - and we do, internally and out
>> in the greater community - then we should be actively recruiting. How
>> should that pitch go?
>> > On May 16, 2016, at 12:49 AM, Daniel Vimont <dan...@commonvox.org>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Stack & Sean -- Thanks for your positive responses to all this (and the
>> > intriguing Mother Jones link).
>> >
>> > Will any of the HBaseCon2016 events be live-streamed? (I can't make it
>> --
>> > an Osaka/SF round-trip was not in the budget this spring!)
>> >
>> >> On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 2:05 PM, Stack <st...@duboce.net> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 7:18 PM, Daniel Vimont <dan...@commonvox.org>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> The first step in working through a problem is acknowledging that
>> there
>> >> IS
>> >>> a problem, so in that respect, this conversation is going well so
>> far!!
>> >>> Here are some thoughts (some of which are barely half-baked, so pardon
>> >> the
>> >>> "raw dough").
>> >>>
>> >>> I know that HBaseCon2016 is very close, and all the speaking slots and
>> >>> topic sessions are locked into place, but I do have a few suggestions:
>> >>>
>> >>> (1) At *several* points (not just once!) throughout the plenary
>> sessions,
>> >>> make a statement that this conversation has come up on hbase-dev, and
>> >> it's
>> >>> an issue that you think is worthy of our attention and discussion. (I
>> >> think
>> >>> we're just at the beginnings of a very long conversation, but just
>> >>> announcing that the conversation is underway and inviting people into
>> it
>> >>> seems a good way to start.)
>> >>
>> >> We can do that.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> (2) I see that Intel is sending four representatives to make
>> >> presentations
>> >>> (two women and two men!). Intel seems to be at the forefront of
>> >>> diversification efforts in the broader IT community, having set its
>> goal
>> >>> for "full representation" in its workforce by 2020. If these Intel
>> >>> presenters feel comfortable, it would be great to devote a few
>> minutes in
>> >>> one of the plenary sessions to allow them to informally talk about how
>> >> the
>> >>> Intel z is going from their
>> >>> perspective, and whether that offers any lessons that might be
>> applied in
>> >>> the Hadoop/HBase ecosystems.
>> >>
>> >> Let me ask the Intel'ers who are coming to the conference.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> (3) For HBaseCon2017, devote complete sessions to the issue of
>> >>> diversification. (Perhaps invite Intel's Chief Diversity Officer,
>> >> Danielle
>> >>> Brown, to lead up some proactive discussions.)
>> >> Yes. I like this suggestion.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> Stepping back to the generic questions of how and why to "recruit" new
>> >>> contributors, perhaps this is where my "newbie" eyes can assist in
>> >> taking a
>> >>> fresh look at things, beginning with a big lead-in question:
>> >>>
>> >>> The current "staff" of the HBase project: how were we "recruited", and
>> >> why
>> >>> are we here?
>> >>>
>> >>> When I look at the contributors list, I see what I expect to see:
>> Almost
>> >>> all of the contributors are employees of companies that are the
>> biggest
>> >>> stakeholders in the HBase ecosystem, with the biggest number coming
>> from
>> >>> those companies that are existentially bound to the HBase/Hadoop
>> >>> ecosystems, and a smaller number of contributors coming from companies
>> >> that
>> >>> make strategically vital use of HBase in their operations. My
>> assumption
>> >> is
>> >>> that these companies are not magnanimous philanthropists, they're just
>> >>> (quite appropriately) looking after their own vital interests. Bottom
>> >> line:
>> >>> this majority of contributors are *paid* to be here; their employers
>> >>> "allow" them to spend a percentage (or maybe in some cases, all) of
>> their
>> >>> working hours tending to the care and feeding of the open-source
>> golden
>> >>> goose that keeps their proprietary enterprises going.
>> >>>
>> >>> And then there are people like me (likely in much smaller numbers) who
>> >> are
>> >>> here to beef up their expertise in current technologies in a way that
>> >> also
>> >>> gives them a publicly-displayed "portfolio" of work with which to
>> >>> subsequently seek out paid engagements (of either the contract or
>> >>> employment variety). I'm sure I don't fully buy into the prevailing
>> >> wisdom
>> >>> that "code is the new resume" and "just put your stuff out there on
>> >> GitHub
>> >>> -- WE'LL find YOU!!"; nonetheless, for the last several months I've
>> been
>> >>> setting aside my doubts and building just such a "portfolio".
>> >> The above is a fair assessment I'd say.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> So, if my take on the current "staffing" situation is approximately
>> >>> correct, it suggests to me that the quickest path to "full
>> >> representation"
>> >>> in the HBase project is initially through conversations with the Human
>> >>> Resources chiefs and the CEOs of the corporations that provide the
>> >> majority
>> >>> of this project's "staff". What initiatives are underway in these
>> firms
>> >> (1)
>> >>> to recruit a diverse workforce and (2) to assure that once members of
>> >>> underrepresented minorities are brought in, that they find themselves
>> in
>> >> a
>> >>> safe, supportive environment in which they want to stay? Finally, if
>> good
>> >>> initiatives are already underway, what might be done to hasten the
>> >> "trickle
>> >>> down" from these initiatives into a more diversely-staffed HBase
>> project?
>> >>
>> >> There was a call-to-arms a while back that echoed around the valley
>> (Here
>> >> is one origin story [1] that references this interesting looking
>> project
>> >> [2]). Where I work there is a special project afoot to work on problem
>> #1,
>> >> at least, from your list above. Ultimately it should translate into
>> better
>> >> numbers out here in projects like ours but I'm not sure improving
>> presence
>> >> in open source is a captured metric. Let me ask.
>> >>
>> >> St.Ack
>> >>
>> >> 1.
>> >>
>> >>
>> http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/silicon-valley-gender-sexism-women-engineers-tracy-chou
>> >> 2. https://github.com/triketora/women-in-software-eng
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>> On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 12:39 AM, Sean Busbey <bus...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 10:10 PM, Stack <st...@duboce.net> wrote:
>> >>>>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:37 PM, Daniel Vimont <
>> dan...@commonvox.org
>> >>>
>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> With regard to recruiting new contributors, I'll just toss out a
>> >>>> question
>> >>>>>> which I hope does not give offense: What can be done to encourage
>> >> more
>> >>>>>> gender-diversity in this project (and projects like it)?
>> >>>>> Thank you for raising this 'awkward' question up here on the dev
>> >> list.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Our ratio is awful. I'm ashamed to cite numbers.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> I don't know what we can do to encourage participation. I'd be
>> >>> interested
>> >>>>> in any ideas others might have and would be up for acting them to
>> try
>> >>> and
>> >>>>> make redress.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Yes, thank you Daniel. This is an issue that weighs on me. The ASF in
>> >>>> general has a demographic problem, and our particular corner of it
>> >>>> seems particularly homogenous.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I'm a firm believer in "can't fix what you don't measure." Stack do
>> >>>> you have numbers from somewhere? I was looking at ways we could run
>> an
>> >>>> opt-in poll to get an idea of how our community looks outside of what
>> >>>> I can already see in the committer  and PMC ranks from meetups.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I don't think there are any fast answers to this issue, but I think
>> >>>> there are some things we could try doing that would help the project
>> >>>> generally:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 1) We could use better student outreach. Presuming we come up with
>> >>>> some materials for trying to get students involved overall, we should
>> >>>> get a few folks go out of our way to present those materials to
>> >>>> student groups that try to provide space for folks who aren't in our
>> >>>> dominant demographic.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 2) Similar to #1, there are meetups (at least in my area) that try to
>> >>>> make things accessible and comfortable for e.g. women. We could make
>> a
>> >>>> habit of presenting to these meetups in addition to our normal "big
>> >>>> data" themed groups.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 3) I've noticed that none of the meetups or conferences where I see
>> >>>> HBase stuff have child care options. This doesn't only impact women,
>> >>>> but it disproportionately impacts them due to societal expectations.
>> >>>> We the community could start pushing folks to have something and we
>> >>>> the PMC could perhaps push this a little harder, like we do the need
>> >>>> for a Code of Conduct.
>> >>

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