On 11/11/17 5:31 PM, Stack wrote:
On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Josh Elser<els...@apache.org>  wrote:

A few more areas of movement:

* I've cleaned up HBASE-14414 to encapsulate what is still being proposed
for beta-1. Shouldn't be any surprises here. Things outstanding deferred to
HBASE-17362 (fixVersion=2.1.0).

Is there a high-level overview of what the feature should be able to do in
hbase-2? (The issue HBASE-14414  has a bunch of issues hanging off it. It
is hard to get an overview).

I read over the doc patch (its nice). It seems to give a high-level
overview.  It has a limitations section on the end which is good. Is there
anything on what user can expect in terms of size consumptions, resources
consumed effecting a backup, or how long a restore will take? I would think
it useful I'd imagine, particularly the latter bit of info as a rough
gauge. Is this where I (a user) gets an overview of what would be in hbase2?

Doc says merge of incrementals works? Thought I saw somewhere that it was
not done -- could be wrong.

Has anyone tried the example in the doc? (Backup to s3?).

I don't think this section was ever commented on.

I've tried to clean up the Phase 3 "uber" issue to start tracking things outstanding for 2.0.0. The only exception are things listed in HBASE-18892 which aren't currently slated to be done for 2.0. Stating for others who might not be watching the doc update issue (HBASE-16574), the new chapter was updated to include a section which acknowledges "known deficiencies/impl-choices". I'll be opening one more (hanging off Phase3) to track the new IntegrationTest.

Incremental backups do work as you later noted :)

I think Vlad had done S3 testing a while back (I'll let him confirm -- I could be confused). Not sure if it's been done recently.

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